Reading the Word of God 7 times complete as a central practice of the faith
God wants you to conquer His Word. The Word of God doesn't give up understanding promiscuously, but it does reward humble and bold and zealous effort - real effort - to understand it. To see the parts in relation to the whole, to indeed see the whole itself.
To conquer the Bible, to develop understanding of it, to see the parts in relation to the whole, you need to read it complete, Genesis through Revelation. Once, three times, ultimately seven times. (When you set a concrete aim your effort is a contained effort and is able to accumulate more force of understanding.)
All the other kinds of Bible reading and study will occur naturally and more profitably in the wake of the unique, dedicated, complete readings.
The Bible is higher visual language. It is Living Language. You first need to simply download it complete into you (that means just simply reading every word, verse, chapter, book). Just read it. Don't demand that it come down to your level, but just read it. Meet it at its level. It then gives you language that you use in your inner being at levels you can't even detect with your waking mind. It puts things in you that enable you to see new things in yourself, in the world, and in what is above you.
Regeneration is effected, when it is effected in you, by the Word and the Spirit. That is a rather big fact and event. (It's the foundation of eternal life.) Reading the Bible complete puts you in the environment where regeneration can potentially take place. This is how you move close to God when James says move close to God and God will move close to you. Beyond that complete readings of the Word of God is what separates the real followers of Christ from those more concerned with fearing man and conforming to the world.
The Word of God challenges your level of being. It challenges your carnal self. It tests, as well, your valuation for the pursuit and attainment of the Kingdom of God as opposed to the possession of, and easy indulging in, the comforts and distractions of this world.
Reading the Word of God complete is also the supreme example of an effort that pays off in time. It's like planting a field that will yield new wealth in a future season. This means: just read the Bible and don't expect immediate results. Just read it. Read it with aim. Read it complete. Understanding will develop in time. Make the effort, and then wait on the Lord...
"The Bible is higher visual language. It is Living Language. You first need to simply download it complete into you (that means just simply reading every word, verse, chapter, book). Just read it. Don't demand that it come down to your level, but just read it. Meet it at its level. It then gives you language that you use in your inner being at levels you can't even detect with your waking mind. It puts things in you that enable you to see new things in yourself, in the world, and in what is above you. "
Holy crap. Do you speak English? What is this neo-gnostic gobbledy-gook?
You reveal the level of the Christian mainstream. Especially the self-appointed teachers of the Christian mainstream. You have no experience with higher influences. You take everything at the same level. And you react to anything new that you hear with this stump dumb, blunt force stupidity.
This is why the elect of God aren't in your churches. We aren't in your churches any more than we are attending screenings of the Dukes of Hazzard...
Oh my Lord! She has proved it! She really has. She is off her rocker and it is really evident. Caroline, run! Run as fast as you can! Get yourself to the psychiatric emergency room. You need to talk to someone other than to the aliens that live within you!
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