Convicted churchianity starts to vainly fight back 3
Example: Fear God, it is the beginning of wisdom. This is doctrine. This is doctrine, though, that is not understood by churchianity. Why? Because you have to actively do the Faith to even get near to where you can understand that doctrine. The prevailing 'doctrine' in churchianity is: Fear man.
When you fear only God you don't fear man. This is what God is telling you. This is the beginning of the potential for getting wisdom because it frees you from the prison of the fear of man which is the devil's prison itself.
The immediate effect of this is the pursuit of influences the devil doesn't want you anywhere near. With the Spirit of Truth in a regenerated Christian you have the ability to discern wheat from chaff and navigate any waters and avoid any dangers, ultimately. Being a Christian means being a man, not being in the nursery your entire life. A man on the Way. The influences the Holy Spirit will guide you towards are the very practical level influences that give you practically-instructive knowledge to guide you in doing the Faith at the very practical level.
You can only learn this by actively practicing the Faith. You can only learn this by being on the battlefield of actually doing the Faith. You can only learn this by actively assaulting self and heaven and being actively engaged in the three-front war against your carnal nature, the world, and the devil. This requires real separation. Separation is sanctification, ultimately. Real separation from your carnal nature, from the world, and from the Kingdom of Satan is hardcore and difficult and makes you a real Christian. It is rare. You only effect it by fearing only God and not fearing man.
Churchianity and Village of Morality Christians have no experience with this battle, this war, and preach their no-effort doctrine which is what man and the devil demands they preach and believe.
Time you wake up, boys and girls...
[Note: the sad thing is these churchianity devils are going to take everything they read from me and incorporate it into their poison in the usual manner churchianity and the Village of Morality does to protect itself, but it only fools those able to be fooled, and as long as elect of God are present they can't get away with it.]
With comments like this you get me involved in first sorting out the Roman Catholic doctrine from what you say, and, as far as Luther was talking about justification being work of God and not man I side with Luther there, but having said that, and to get to the churchianity aspect of your comment, it really is just common things like replacing man-fearing for the fear of God, ignorance of doctrine (their own Reformed doctrine in this case), replacing moralizing for the Faith in general, and just general, comfort-seeking worldliness.
Basically all of that together is just a people, a level of the Faith, that has yet to get on the Way. In Bunyan's experienced and wise and difficult-to-accept terms, they are in the detour of the Village of Morality. Some of them, though, are playing the devil's role in keeping - or trying to keep - God's own down and keep them as tame slaves in the devil's kingdom.
Part of my role as an elect of God is to sound the alarm and wake up God's own. That they shun me convicts them to the core...
(They even snicker because they've been taught one doesn't 'call' onself elect of God. Yes, it all upsets you...)
There is, though Jeff, here (and I think you're getting at it) a little vortex where different points of doctrine seems to collide that involves the Roman Catholic approach and the churchianity approach, and the classical Puritan Reformed approach, that basically, as you may be seeing it, puts the Puritans and the Roman Catholics on the same side, in 'some' way, and the churchianity folks on the other side. This, though, may be your interest in order level RC teachings (I am merely speculating?) which indeed would tend to unite the different side at a point vertical to the common battlefield... Have I said anything you connect with or are getting at?
Afterall, the Knights Templar were burned at the stake just as the hardcore Protestants were...
The order level is above the church level, and involves the practical level of the Faith.
Yet all real Christianity is about being on the Way, which is hardcore. It is walking through that Wicket Gate, to use Bunyan's imagery. The City of Destruction (where I would put the Roman Catholic church) and the Village of Morality (where the 'churchianity' people reside) are neither of them on the Way. When they get power they persecute people who are on the Way...
Nevertheless, it doesn't call for those of us who are on the Way to remain silent. In all the shunning and mocking and kicking and screaming that comes my way there are potentially silent onlookers who are taking things in, learning, and waking up...
The Puritans were on the Way. I find it very non-surprising that there is now a trend among churchianity Reformed to look down on the Puritans...
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