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On that Milton quote

In this Milton quote there is a shocking reminder:

"Assuredly we bring not innocence into the world, we bring impurity much rather..."

To think we - people in general - are born innocent and that we have to be protected from the world as much as possible so that we can maintain our innocence is about as non-Christian an understanding of the state of man as one can have. (It's how the Village of Morality Christians think of themselves though.)

Church Christians are a shallow lot for a reason. They've had their "innocence" protected.

This is not how Christian men and women are made. This is not how soldiers of Christ are developed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, so just go watch youporn.com for a few hours and see if you still think flesh is cool. Or, read de Sade's Juliette straight through. If it doesn't make you a serial murderer you'll be better off for it.

July 14, 2008 at 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the reaction of shallow church Christians to a porn reference: "Oh my God, how ugly and gross. No matter what point that person is making it shows that person is most absolutely NOT a Christian. Porn? Uck! Evil!"

Here is what is happening with such church Christian reactions: they can't stand to see themselves. They not only don't know their own smell, but they refuse to be made known of their own smell. They think they're innocent and good. They don't yet know their own putridness nor, more generally, their nothingness. And because of this they have yet to die to the law. They aren't even aware of this Christians doctrine: to die to the law. God's perfect law in their minds is what fallen man turns it into: the system of the Beast. And they follow it thinking they are 'good'.

July 14, 2008 at 7:40 PM  

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