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Some prophecy for you...

You can see in the churches how the world takes over everything. Instead of planting seeds the churches and church leaders actually see their role as sheltering fools and innocents. It's all man-fearing and worldly and inane.

And they read a few books written by man, or get a degree from man, and then suddenly they are important 'teachers'. And nobody can teach what they teach. Do they actually read the Word of God complete? No. Do they read it to an audience? No. They're afraid of boring the audience. Maybe God didn't make them charismatic enough to be in front of an audience.

This is why I say this (and it stings them): there should be a common, universal thing in Christianity that a Christian is to have a goal to read the Word of God complete once, three times, seven times. That gets to the heart of everything. And see how I'm mocked when I say that. It goes against the COMPLETE program of the world and of man-fearing institutionalized in the visible churches (all of them). Then they make of the Faith 'family time'. It's all about 'family' and 'children' and all that asinine nonsense. We all see these fools who get a few children and then think they are the center of the universe. Do your children save you? Do you save your children? Is the faith about 'family'? What did Jesus say about family, other than what any fool can know about a goodhouseholder issue? Support and protect your family? Yes? Good. Is that the Faith? No. "Oh, my God, did you hear that!?!"

That must be one of those Christia-, er, I mean, one of those strange people...

Yes, strangers. Strangers in this world. In this world, not of this world. What don't you understand about that, mainstream Christians?

Is the way narrow? Yes it is. Is God calling a royal priesthood, is he calling prophets and kings, or an army of self-satisfied, man-fearing suck-ups to the world and the devil and their own vanity and worldly pride and self-will? Is God calling innocents? Fools? People who never make the effort to know His Word? People who never make the effort to practice His Word?

Answer it yourself.

More: Then these on-fire man-fearers will say (or think): "There are criminals who connect with our church. You are so far out of reality. Grow up."

I say: If that criminal had had some real guidance by the visible churches; if that criminal had actually been told and shown how to read the Word of God complete, thus getting into his criminal soul the complete language of God to grow in his soul, he may not have become a criminal sitting in a prison cell to begin with.

"Oh," but they say: "it isn't that easy! The Word of God isn't magic!" The he**(ck) it isn't. It is REAL magic. It is Living Language. It transforms you. You can't read it complete once without being a different person for eternity. You can't continually download it into you complete without it effecting you in ways you can't know but that are as real as your very being.

Think about it: there's a young man sitting in a prison cell right now. That young man came into contact with a Christian church at some point of his youth. Probably just at a time when he was at a crossroads. But what happened? Did that church and its leaders act boldly with this youth and get the Word of God into him with no apology and no mush and no nonsense? No. They were 'afraid' of 'upsetting' him. They told him what they fearfully concluded he wanted to hear.

So what happened? What happened was this: no seed was planted in the young man.

These asinine, man-fearing church leaders actually think THEY convert souls, and they fearfully think THEY can 'screw it up' and on and on. NO! Only God can convert souls. What YOU do is get this young man to hold a Bible in front of you and READ THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Get him to read the first three chapters of Genesis. Get him to read the last two chapters of Revelation. Get him to read the Lord's prayer. Get him to read Ephesians 6:10-18. You just get him to literally hold a Bible and READ it. Obviously he can't read it complete in front of you, but he can get the Living Language into him now, quickly. When you do it boldly it has effect.

But you don't do it boldly, mainstream Christians, because you are ashamed of yourselves and the Word of God and you fear men and you fear the world, and ultimately you fear the devil.

After that young man reads those passages you tell him "If you read this entire book complete it will give you things you can't know about until you just do it. It will give you understanding and real will and awakening and power. If you read this book complete once, three times, seven times you can't help but be changed into a prophet, priest, and king in the Kingdom of God."

Now only God can do this, so you don't have to wring your worried little moist hands, Christian church leaders! Don't worry! God converts souls. Something drew this young man to you though. You plant seeds. And you plant seeds with the actual Living Language that is the actual Word of the Living God. God makes the seeds grow. Be bold. Do what people need MOST -- and do it quickly.

It's late in the day...

More II: Think about it: you can't be a Christian if you don't have the Word of God in you.

Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, yes. But the Word of God is good leaven. It is good to have the Word of God in you. It is good when it gets in you and grows and fills you.

It is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. Baptism is not the most important thing. Church attendance is not the most important thing. What will keep a young man out of a prison cell is not ritual water baptism. It is having the Living Language of the Word of God in his very being. It awakens conscience. It gives understanding. It gives direction to the will.

I'm talking about one whom God regenerates, but it is BY THE VERY WORD OF GOD AND THAT ALONE that regeneration is effected. The Word and the Spirit. Not anything else.

You have to concentrate on the most important thing.

The most important thing in evangelizing is to get the Word of God - any degree of it - boldly into an individual. Just plant it like planting a seed in the ground. Quickly. Forcefully. Then teach them about reading the Word of God complete. Just simply doing that. (This is why people in prison start to awaken. They actually have nothing ELSE to do but to read the Bible complete. I heard someone, some theologian, saying his radio program seems to connect more with prisoners than anybody else. No, the Word of God is doing that! He then is able to connect with biblical doctrine because of having gotten the complete Word of God into his inner being.)

Yet mainstream Christians actually mock the most important thing. They mock anybody who talks about the most important thing. The very practical and powerful goal for a Christian to read the Word of God complete 7 times is seen as something to mock. The very heart of everything is mocked. The very heart of the teaching of the Faith and the doing of the Faith is mocked. The only real foundation is mocked...

That's OK, because you're just identifying yourselves, and convicting yourselves before God. The real Christians will make holy fools of themselves and boldly push the Word of God...


Blogger c.t. said...

Yeah, I'm a prophet, a priest, and a king.

"Oh, but the world will keep going on, ha ha ha! We ain't readin' no Bible complete. We ain't gonna be no strangers in this world. We like this world! Ha, ha, ha!!"

Yep, good luck.

November 21, 2005 at 9:32 PM  

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