What's with the suit and ties, holy men...?
Somewhere in some post down below I used a slang word 'jack' for 'money' and it wasn't me. If you use a slang word that isn't you it just sounds thtupid, and I apologise...
I don't use common 'church language' either, because to me it sounds stupid.
I noticed on his blog (I forget what it's called) Ligon Duncan wrote: "We're all so proud we could pop!" Somebody should beat him up. Or at least mess up his funeral parlor suit and tie he's always wearing. Why always the suit and ties, Christian leaders? Does this not betray you are really just company men, business types, in essence? Can't we find a unique though normal-looking 'look' for the holy men leaders of the church? Why are they all types you suspect never wore jeans even in their youth?
They should have beards. Real beards, not overly trimmed and groomed beards. They should have some kind of cool-though-weird hats (not of the papal variety, mind you, I said 'cool'), and they should have some kind of robish flow to their attire. At least some billow. And darkish colors. Cool, sort of faded-darkish colors.
Look at Calvin in the various representations we have of him. Then look at some modern theologian with his 20th century suit and tie. You see what I'm getting at. If you can't 'wear' the unique threads it means you don't have the development in you to be a holy man to BEGIN WITH.
Suit and tie...
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