Reformed church Christians so easily bedevilled by small time cultists
Read this post by a former member of Doug Wilson's 'church.'
This is what is so pathetic about Wilson's Federal Vision garbage: it's the typical garbage of a cult leader (and notice how his Federal Vision theology is merely a tactic to strengthen his cult activity, and yet he - outstripping all his initial expectations and surprising himself no doubt - so easily has inserted it into your theological world). Look how he and his followers and fellow travelers (mostly from the equally cultic theonomy movement) have so easily bedevilled Reformed denominations and churches and theologians, not to mention the weak members of those Reformed churches. The devil and his followers don't get this brazen unless they sense real weakness in their victims.
It's like if I went to CalTech with a novel set of formulas for testing the strength of materials, and it was all jabberwocky, and I got all the professors and students to get all active and upset and to write articles and books and give lectures and hold meetings confronting my views and denouncing me, all the while I'm laughing and playing games everytime they try to question me and just poking a stick into them, watching the reaction. Oh, and throw in going easy on child molestation within your own cult, because you're not a real cult leader until you can show that you are willing to do something truly satanic. And there you have it. This is what Wilson has been doing to Reformed Christians.
Yes, Reformed church Christians, you have a problem. You can't live the life of Bunyan's Village of Morality and claim to be Christians on the Way. You're as shallow as tv christianity and as worldly and dumb as the culture you grew up in (in for instance proudly claiming the Puritan heritage while bone-headedly denouncing the very thing Puritans were known for: their understanding and willingness to make efforts to effect active, progressive sanctification). The fact that a 3rd rate intellect, grinning clown cult leader like Doug Wilson can bedevil you so easily (the fact that he would even attempt it) says it all regarding your current condition.
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