Impudence and insolence
A passage from Calvin's Commentaries:
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. 2 Tim. 3:13.
It is the worst of trials that godless men wax great and strong with their sacrilegious audacity, and the blasphemies and errors they perpetrate. Paul says elsewhere that Isaac was troubled not by the sword of Ishmael but by his taunting (Gal. 4:29). We may gather from this verse that the writer did not point to one particular kind of persecution, but spoke in general of trials which the children of God must endure when they contend for the glory of their Father.
I spoke, a little before, of how evil men shall grow worse and worse. The apostle predicts not only that they will offer obstinate resistance, but also that they shall succeed in harming and corrupting others. One good-for-nothing fellow can always tear down more than ten faithful teachers can build, no matter how hard they try. There is no scarcity of the tares sown by Satan and infesting the good earth. No sooner are some false prophets put down than others pop up in all directions.
Now, wickedness has this power not because lies are by nature more effective than truth, or because the devices of the devil are superior to the power of God’s Spirit, but because men have a spontaneous inclination toward vanity and error, and will embrace much too readily whatever suits their fancy. Therefore by a just retribution of God, they become blinded and captive slaves to the pleasure of the devil. This is the principal reason for the effectiveness of the pestilence of ungodly teachings. And considering the ingratitude of men, it is right that this should be so. Therefore, godly teachers should take to heart the warning to be prepared for constant warfare, not to break down because it is long and drawn out, or succumb before the impudence and insolence of their adversaries.
Elsewhere Calvin speaks of the "rage and insolence" of the antichrist forces. Here he uses "impudence" and insolence. Look up that word insolence. You may of course already know what it means, but in getting the full definition you will see how it describes so well the current character of the very active antichrist forces called allah worshipers. One of them had a sign at a recent rally in England saying: "Jesus is Allah's Slave"... Then he walked over to the British welfare office to get his life support... Also notice where Calvin points out that Ishmael "taunted" Isaac. Insolent antichrist types are supreme chain-yankers and taunters...
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