Unity, universality, holiness, authority
One of the main points of the two posts below is why would you think human beings can defeat the unity of God's kingdom, or God's church? Humans can't. It is what the devil wants Christians to think, that there is no unity in God's kingdom or church, and that there never will be because humans are divisive and there are many other factors in play that make divisiveness the order of the day.
Unity and universality, holiness and authority exist now in God's kingdom and church. You see it, and realize it, once you have a new heart. Once you are regenerated by the Word and the Spirit.
Regeneration is effected, when it is, by the Word and the Spirit. Part of the 'rule' (rule of daily living, rule of life, etc.) of every Christian must be to read the actual Word of God, humbly, complete, a set number of times. This moves you closer to God (and James 4 and elsewhere in Scripture tells you God will move close to you when you move close to Him). This puts you in the very environment where regeneration happens, when it does happen.
Then don't look for the unity and universality, and holiness and authority of God's kingdom and church outward in the world and among other human beings. That is looking in the wrong direction. Look inward and upward. God's own in the world exist and don't need your empty coercion to effect empty goals of worldly 'unity.'
The devil wants you to define the unity and universality and holiness and authority of God's kingdom in the context of the world and human beings. Because the devil knows it can't exist there and is not supposed to exist there. It exists in the new heart of each believer...
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