Excerpt from new Theonomy/Federal Vision book 4
FROM JEWS TO JESUITS TO JUNKIES: A History of the Theonomy, Federal Vision, Post-Federal Vision Movement in the 20th/21st Century (Comprising the Beliefs and Acts of the 11 Leaders and 267 Followers of this Movement) by Anthony T. Pellicano.
The police report stated Ms. Harvey was dancing in a "manner like you'd maybe see in the audience of a Grateful Dead concert." The only problem was: she was at the edge of a five-story building.
"I don't need a parachute. Why can't you see that? Why can't you understand?"
The police on the scene stated that Barb Harvey didn't know what base-jumping was, but she was intent on lecturing to them on what base-jumping was. She was under the impression that 'parachute' meant something other than what the dictionary meaning was. And that her meaning would save her from the fall just as effectively as what other people think parachute means.
"Why can't you grasp what I'm saying?"
To be published in October, '08.
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