Federal Visionists, NPPists, ReformedCatholics: Academic Jackanapes with a Deadly Twist
Regarding the current Federal Vision and New Perspective on Paul, etc., that is having its way with Reformed Christians just see it simply: they are the same academic jackanapes that 'took on' Shakespeare and Homer, and are now turning their academic jackanapy 'brilliance' on the Holy Spirit.
They are a one-trick pony, learn their trick: they identify something real and above them then abstract it - or make it into an artificial "construct" - then, using academic pomo jargon (even while denouncing pomo jargon ala Doug Wilson) theorize how and why it got to be a construct. Then the poor fools on the believing side crawl out onto their inane web and engage the jackanapes on their defined territory. This is because Reformed Christians - mainstream Christians that make up 'churchianity' in general - are shallow regarding literature and naive regarding its jackanape enemies and their tactics in the academy and have a juvenile crush on anybody with an academic degree or writes using academic language. Also, mainstream Christians tend to be Village of Morality 'churchians' and because of that are half way towards the jackanapes default Romanist doctrine anyway, so their defense against such kingdom of death jackanapery is weak. It's really a Village of Morality civil war. Real Christians don't reside in that village, but are on the Way.
As for the jackanapes, just as they as English and philosophy professors, couldn't write anything inspired, and so 'bring down' all great writers to their level; just so in the realm of biblical doctrine it's a similar situtation for them: they are unregenerate, so instead of humbling themselves to God and God's Word they 'bring down' God's Word to their level and make of it what they demand it to be. With the extra ingredient of mocking believing Christians and, ultimately, the Holy Spirit Himself as they gleefully defile biblical doctrine and lead any who they can lead astray.
And of course mechanically their nonsense gravitates towards Romanist, kingdom of death doctrine - ritualism, clericalism, formalism, moralism - as anything done by those with the spirit of disobedience (spirit of the devil) coursing through them gravitates towards.
Jackanape: A conceited or impudent person. A mischievous child.
They will wish this definition applies to them. When you do to the Holy Spirit what you've merely done to man and the words of man previously, you convict yourselves to the most serious degree. You're no longer just a mischievous child or conceited and impudent. You're blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Because you can't do what you're doing to biblical doctrine without having an understanding of that biblical doctrine.
Stay away from these condemned fools. Don't let even their garment spot you.
Wow! At last 'theological' post I can understand. Even if I just think so - it still clarifies certain points I long sought to make clear to myself. Maybe I should subscribe. Is there an RSS feed?
I only have RSS.064^, but if you know of the secret hidden special search engine you'll find all the downloads necessary, as well as transport into the Garden Remains, where the cherubim have become less intense, as the creation has fallen more and more by degree. There isn't the urgency to protect what is no more, though there is still the Tree. If you can find it.
You've got the tools.
I made a mistake: they will keep you from the tree, but they can be fought and overcome. If you have the Spirit. They won't be hurt.
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