A word to those still capable of hearing...
Kevin Johnson and the folks at 'Reformed' Papists .com want you to follow them. "Come...come into my kingdom, little children..."
In his latest attempt at sounding like an adult Kevin has penned another thinly veiled tantrum at Reformed - i.e. Calvinist, i.e. bible-believing - Christians who actually believe what Reformed Christians have stated they believe for going on about 500 years now (and longer if you consider the persecuted remnant from apostolic times).
Notice Kevin's site uses the name 'Reformed'? That is standard Popular Front tactics. Kevin and the folk at ReformedCatholicism.com are Roman Catholic. They've yet to enroll officially only for strategic purposes. Traitors (apostates) are valuable if the world still doesn't know they have turned. Valuable to the devil, in this case.
It's unfortunate that Reformed - Calvinist, Bible-believing - Christians have allowed themselves to be so softened up that such attacks can be made against them. When you give yourself over to formalism, moralism, ritualism, and clericalism it shouldn't suprise you that the Roman Catholic church and its willing agents provocateurs would begin their forays into your camp with enthusiasm and an actual belief they can be successful (Federal Visionsists and NPPists are other examples very active today).
An agent provocateur (plural: agents provocateurs, French language, "inciting agent") is a person who secretly disrupts a group's activities from within the group. Agents provocateurs typically represent the interests of another group, or are agents directly assigned to provoke unrest, violence, debate, or argument by or within a group while acting as a member of the group. 6
I know you are all thinking: "But do they really think we're that dumb, or that vulnerable to their satanic nonsense?" Yes, they do. When the devil attacks you in this manner you have to accept the fact that you have fallen far enough to his level that he considers you to be potential prey. The fact is, you are now potential prey for him. Again, when the devil sees you engaging in formalism, moralism, ritualism, and clericalism, he sees you as potential recruits into his prison kingdom. And you are.
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