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And, yes, there IS a difference between reason and the cult of reason

How do Christian blogosphere denizens Steve Hays and Paul Manata spell Holy Spirit (or Jesus for that matter)?

C-u-l-t o-f R-e-a-s-o-n

Then, interestingly, that spelling reverts to S-t-e-v-e (or P-a-u-l) as it's stenciled on the forehead of the cult of reason statue sitting within their inner being where the Holy Spirit (or Jesus) more commonly - or ideally - sits within Christians.

(Some suggest they and their type are atheists-in-denial; but I wouldn't go that far myself... I think that they're just still at the juvenile end of the philosophy curve... "Juvenile philosopher meets seminary library" is, I recall, how I described Hays a couple of years back. They have the tyro-gunslinger attitude and all the rest of it to go along...)


Blogger c.t. said...

I agree, but I'll actually give Dave Armstrong some credit for being one who actually interacts with people he's not in total sinc with.

Obviously he famously ducks out of debates when they get difficult for him calling people anti-catholic or whatever. He also changed his policy of never banning people once he got the ability to actually ban people. In my case I was pretty over the top (like a thousand times over the top), so it was understandable.

Village of Morality is John Bunyan's visual geography of where various Christians are vis-a-vis the City of Destruction and the Celestial City. It's one of the places, but a very popular and populated place for, especially mainstream, Christians.

One very prominent and central trait Village of Morality Christians have is like people in the world in general they are rigorous 'respecters of persons'. They esteem some people higher than others based on worldly/flesh/vain standards. And I'm not talking about merit, but more title. One can be a seminary graduate have have merit from others naturally based on their abilities and understanding and what not, but in the Village of Morality what counts is not understanding but title. To use the seminary degree example, if a person is a rank moron but they have a theological degree they are given esteem by their fellow Village of Morality denizens. Whereas some guy living in a park who may have real understanding is treated as a stray dog. And it really comes down to issues that expose if you are a Christian who is actually on the Way or in some worldly detour or stumblingblock. Those in the worldly/flesh/vain detours or stumblingblocks don't want to be exposed as such. They protect themselves from Christians who expose them as such.

February 15, 2007 at 11:23 AM  

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