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He [James White] did a radio debate...

AQuinault said...
He [James White] did a radio debate against D.A. Waite a while back (it's on his site). Waite is a doctor & knows all the relevant languages & about manuscripts, etc. and he still clearly lost. How do you explain this? What arguments did Waite miss? I guess what I'm trying to say is if the best of the KJV supporters can't refute him, why do you say White is wrong? If you feel this way about White, I shudder to think how you must feel about Texe Marrs and Gail "(NASV + NIV) - AV = SIN" Riplinger.

April 13, 2007 6:49 PM

c.t. said...
White's not even a good sophist on the manuscripts issues. He's a juvenile delinquent. He doesn't even try to be honest. He plays the liberal politician game of fooling a percentage of the audience while shamelessly giving up the fact of knowing that the others in the audience know he's blatantly lying. He doesn't care because his main thing is to fool as many as he can. This is the devil's program regarding the corrupt manuscripts. Fool as many as he and his followers can. They think they can defeat God and God's plan this way, but they can only annoy God's plan (and play for time). Anybody who plays along with the devil on this foundational issue will suffer by degree much more horribly than the average rebel against the Kingdom of God.

May you see the light some day. Read the Word of God, the pure and whole Traditional Text Word of God, complete, and humbly. Don't read it in a man-centered state of mind, dictating to it what it is and will be, but read it in a God-centered state of mind and heart. Regeneration is necessary to be able to discern the pure and whole Word of God, and regeneration is effected, when it is, by the Word and the Spirit.

April 14, 2007 3:14 AM

c.t. said...
The thing you and your authorities in academia are going to have to realize: you are attempting to turn the minds of regenerated Christians from God's Word to the devil's version(s) of God's Word. No amount of mocking of us will make us succumb to this demand. And you attempt to shut us up and not expose you. No amount of mocking will get us to stop exposing the devil's (and his follower's) attack on the pure and whole Traditional Text Word of God preserved by God for His elect.

To us you are shallow fools. Unregenerate. Giving your allegiance to man and the academy and thinking anybody who doesn't is somehow weird or embarassing. Well, if in time you are regenerated by the Word and the Spirit you'll understand. Until then expect a lot of confrontation from God's people, because what you are doing defiles the very foundation of God's plan: His invaluable Word.

We're not going to let you do it, and we're not going to allow you ease and comfort as you have your little successes in fooling God's people, for the temporary time you are able to fool any of God's people. We will continue to expose and oppose you until the return of the King.

April 14, 2007 3:29 AM

And a couple of embarassing links for your mocking pleasure:


(Notice how Ruckman actually sounds like he's matured into manhood, while White is stuck at his high school debate club teenage level of maturity...?)

Yeah, White wins debates...

Your next move is to say neither of the two individuals above are Calvinists. Riplinger's arguably sympathetic to moderate Calvinism (I notice she's quoting Gurnall lately, has always recognized Foxe's worth and his Calvinism, and considers Spurgeon on her side, and gives respect to Calvinists as being, historically, the most faithful to the Word of God (prior, of course, to the theological golden age of the 19th century's Westcott/Hortism that has captured nominal Calvinists like many of your authorities in the academy who push the devil's manuscripts). I was hardly a Calvinist at first, and it was hardly stepping into the darkness and the intellectual shallowness of adopting the modern corrupt versions that led me to on-the-mark biblical doctrine, otherwise known as Calvinism (minus the ecclesiology and sacramentalism). Just read the pure and whole Traditional Text Word of God, humbly, complete, and put yourself on the territory where regeneration by the Word and the Spirit can potentially take place. With the discernment of the Spirit in you you'll see the truth...


Blogger Robert Fisher said...

You got me pegged wrong- I only read the KJV - I prefer the language so it is easier to memorize.

"a couple of embarassing links for your mocking pleasure"

You make me sound like some inherently snotty schmuck. I don't force Texe Marrs to come up with wacky conspiracy theories. I'm too dumb to read Owen (I'm about to read Vos's Biblical Theology, please pray for me), so I've got to tell you, if you've read the stuff you've listed on your sidebar, I can't believe you haven't snickered at Texe yourself.

I do think numerous bible versions are a bad idea because a) it numbs people to see so many versions so that when a true piece of garbage such as 'Good as New', TNIV, or 'Message' comes along, they don't notice, b) If there is nothing 'different' about the Bible because it's translated into modern language or slang, people may not realize that the biblical worldview is different from their fleshly existence (ex. liberal Episcopalian websites quote scripture in their 'mission' statements, but never KJV).

In any case, White does not disparage the KJV, he regards it as a legitimate translation.
When John Shelby Spong quotes Jo 10:10, he redefines 'life' without telling anybody. Now THAT is sophistry. White states facts - how is that sophistry?

April 15, 2007 at 5:41 AM  
Blogger Robert Fisher said...

"This cult priest hates God's pure and whole Word like the devil hates Jesus Christ. Use the Sword of the Spirit if you are approached by him or any like him."

It just occurred to me- everything you write about White would be 100% accurate if applied to John Shelby Spong instead. :)

April 15, 2007 at 5:58 AM  
Blogger c.t. said...

I don't sneer or mock a Tex Marrs or Riplinger or Ruckman simply because I consider them to be true believers. You don't have to understand theology at the level of Calvinist Federal Theology, or the Reformed biblical theology of Vos to be a real believer. The three names above can discern that the Alexandrian manuscripts are corrupt manuscripts and all versions based on them are corrupt versions. Anything else they say doesn't take away from the fact of the corruption of the Alexandrian manuscripts and the 'bibles' based on them.

This is also the subject, by the way, of having love for the brethren. White hates true believers, as do all Alexandrian cultists. They hate regenerate Christians. They hate and mock any Christian who manifests the signs and discernment of regeneration. Go back to that post I made regarding the extracts from John Owen's Biblical Theology.

White is what is called a liberal theologian. He adopts Calvinism as his stage, but his main motive is to push devil-corrupted manuscripts on people. Like all liberal theologians he considers himself and man in general to be ultimate authority. He hates the notion of a preserved Traditional Text because that takes authority away from man. He demands to determine what Scripture is. He's never humbled himself to the Word of God because he's never experienced regeneration by the Word and the Spirit.

April 15, 2007 at 6:26 AM  
Blogger c.t. said...

I've read Vos, got a basic grasp of what he brings, but am not an expert, yet here is a basic article on his work that might be helpful to read before tackling his Biblical Theology:


April 15, 2007 at 9:06 AM  
Blogger c.t. said...

On the subject of you finding it surprising that a person like myself who is a Calvinist and values Reformed doctrine could also be Traditional Text only and strongly so, I find that this surprise exists alot in Calvinist/Reformed environments, and it's due to the work done by seminaries and church leaders in basically programming, usually by mocking, an allegience to the so-called critical text (Alexandrian manuscripts), and enforcing in effect a fear of man over a fear of God. It's the fault of those who follow that as well. When you fear man and man's opinion and give authority to man and the academy regarding the Word of God you are weak, pure and simple. Your discernment is weak and your strength to be able to stand up to the world and for God is weak.

Go to the PuritanBoard and read some of the 'translations and manuscripts' threads there, and especially read the posts by JerusalemBlade and Armourbearer, both of whom write and debate in a purely gentlemanly way, and both of whom James White is more scared of than demons are scared of Jesus Christ. (White belongs to the PuritanBoard, but keeps a good distance once he began reading the two individuals mentioned.)

April 15, 2007 at 9:14 AM  
Blogger Larry B said...

JerusalemBlade and Armourbearer over on puritanboard are awesome...i would also highly recommend them.

April 15, 2007 at 7:52 PM  

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