Critical Text Christians and Atheists
Critical Text academics and their followers are often struck silent when it is pointed out to them their anger and resentment towards the Traditional Text and the Authorized King James Version and the Christians who hold to the Traditional Text and the doctrine of God's providence regarding preservation of His Words. They usually respond, when they've gathered themselves, with something like this: "Oh, no, no, no, I don't dislike the Authorized, not at all! I have nothing against it, really..."
In this they sound just like atheists when it is pointed out to them that they really only hate Christianity and really have no problem with Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism, etc. They will protest in a similar manner and tone as the Critical Text people: "Oh, absolutely untrue! I, um, I spend time angrily writing and speaking against Christianity because, er, because it is so influential in my world and effects me so much! If I lived in a Muslim country or Hindu country I'd be writing and speaking against them as well!"
Critical Text people know they dislike the traditional text Word of God because it is something that is above them, given to them by God, something they must humble themselves to, something they can't 'determine' what it is or dictate to God what His Word is. This is really what they demand and the doctrine of God's providential preservation of His Word takes that away from them. They are willing, like Romanists, to defy all of the history of the Reformation to get and keep what they demand.
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