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Discern the shallow Christians and how they police

Liberal Christians are obviously shallow, but the shallow Christians you need to begin to discern are the ones who adopt Calvinism and Reformed Theology and bring it all down to their shallow, worldly demands. These are the 'teachers' and 'church leaders' who you will see wearing suits and ties like they could just as easily be cubicled insurance salesmen.

Where they police you is where you begin to come into contact with the Holy Spirit. This they despise. This brings out the devil - the spirit of disobedience - in them to the full.

Listen carefully: you are going to die. When you die you will be in a spiritual environment where the Prince of the power of the air reigns. These shallow Christians who merely call themselves Reformed professors and pastors and apologists and so on have no clue about this. They have no clue about spiritual warfare because they don't have the Holy Spirit in them. They demand their vanity over faith. They demand their worldly pride over repentance. They demand to indulge their self-will over God's will. They wouldn't know the devil if he had them by the throat. And they will 'counsel' you, and say things like: "It's dangerous to talk too much of the Holy Spirit. One needs to be careful. One doesn't want to fall into traps of spiritual pride. Allow your pastor to guide you in these areas." And more devil vomit, on and on.

Again, Christian, listen carefully: you are going to die. When you die you will find yourself on spiritual territory in a way the shallow Christians know nothing about and can know nothing about. You will be confronted by the devil and his followers and his powers. You will need the Sword of the Spirit and your shield of faith. You will need a King who can protect you. You will need the Pactum Salutis. The Covenant of Redemption. You will need legal standing in a Kingdom greater than the Kingdom of Satan. The shallow Christians who attempt to (usually successfully) stop you every time you make a move to truly contact the Holy Spirit are your enemies as much as the devil himself is your enemy. Remember: Calvin was a barefoot mystic compared to these asinine professors and scholars and 'reverends' and pastors who self-identify as Calvinist and Reformed.

The overtly liberal Christians are easy to see, but next time a less overtly liberal Christian calling himself Calvinist or Reformed tells you there is no difference between God's Holy preserved traditional text Word of God and the numerous devil's versions of so-called God's Word know you are in the presence of a liberal Christian. If they call themselves Calvinist or Reformed they are lying. They are Jesuits in spirit peddling the poison Rome demands you to partake of. They want you to be cut off from the Holy Spirit. They exalt ritual and man above the Word and the Spirit. Their claims of holding to the authority of sola Scriptura are empty. You can't claim the Word of God as your authority while at the same time demanding to dictate to God what His Word is. They hold to the authority of the words of man and the demands of the devil. Throw their (per)versions (critical text 'bibles') in the garbage where God's providence had put them before their atheist and new age spiritualist leaders found them and deceptively inserted them back into circulation like in the cloak of darkness inserting poison into a well.

This becomes real for you when you die, Christian. Do you have the Sword of the Spirit? Or have you been taking in the devil's and man's sword that impersonates the real thing? Have you been obedient to man when man tells you to fear man when God's tells you to fear God? Do you have a real connection to King Jesus? That would mean you have the Holy Spirit in you. When your professors and pastors mock such a thing do you follow them obediently or do you see the devil in their faces and their mocking? Get the whole and pure Word of God into you and get the discernment of the Holy Spirit into you. Know that the shallow Christians who call themselves Calvinist and Reformed are no different from the liberal Christians who declare homosexuality to be godly behavior. They both allow the devil to defile the Word of God and push that defiled word on everybody that comes within their influence. Know that these shallow Christians are dead internally and following the demands of the devil in everything they say and think and do, and when you follow them or allow yourselves to be influenced by them you are as dead as they are.

Now it is high time to awake out of sleep.


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