James White finally confronts Steve Rafalsky
Yes, James White has finally summoned the courage to 'directly' confront the PuritanBoard's Steve Rafalsky. He's decided to do it using the account of fellow Critical Text compatriot and acolyte TimV. Yes, that's right, James White is writing posts on the PuritanBoard using the account of his fan TimV. And as could be predicted...he is making a complete fool of himself. Keep writing, 'TimV'...
Sir, I have no idea who you are, or why you speak evil of fellow Christians, nor why you are spreading this lie, but I ask you to withdraw it, apologize to whoever TimV is, and repent of such activities. Thank you.
James White
The Black Pope flies to the mountain. The rock has been delivered. When the east awakens there will be contact, Dr. Oakley. Hestcott and Wort have the masks, and the rains will deliver their intended prize.
I'm so sorry...I did not see the "ct" when I first posted. Now I know who you are, now I know why you are lying about me, now I know that I should not have bothered to even correct you. Sorry to have wasted my keystrokes.
James White
Nice for an 'ultimate authority' scholar to have stopped by anyway...
Well, I certainly don't know who TimV is, but you are definitely correct about one thing, viz., he is showing himself to be quite the ignoramus.
TimV in that thread reminds me of what evolutionists and atheists have had to descend into. He can't admit there is any argument or intelligence on the side opposite him, so he is only left with ridiculously calling someone like Steve Rafalsky a 'fundie' and suggesting he is ignorant and all that.
Critical text scholars are now where evolutionists are. They have no choice but to deny reality and do it in front of everybody. Otherwise they can't save their vanity, worldly pride, and self-will.
I find it quite ironic a guy who CLAIMS to be a distinguished chair at a Dutch university and has been repeatedly CHALLENGED to debate this issue BUT not only REFUSED but also LIED about a debate that never took place (quick, name me who the moderator was, sir)...would post trash like this.
The God you claim to serve will not look past your hypocrisy, sir.
Yes, I hold the distinguished Voetius Chair at the University of Utrecht. Yet a simple and plain ploughboy knows the voice of the Shepherd as I know the voice of the Shepherd. The traditional received text of the Word of God is the voice of the Shepherd. The Roman Catholic Beast church lost that battle during the Reformation. God's elect, by the grace of God, will make sure the victory remains secure. You, on the other hand...
I'd like a hit of whatever it is you're smoking; I could use a good delusion or ten.
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