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He's a 'church leader' (the devil is a church leader)

This is not simple ignorance; this is a wicked, dark soul.

King Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit to prophets, priests, and kings called Christians. Individuals. The Beast despises this. The Beast and his followers like this dumb, wicked pastor want nobody to know the truth of regeneration, how it is effected (by the Word and the Spirit) and what it means. They want you fearing and revering man and anything other than God. Language can't be too harsh when directed towards these wicked souls. They know what they are saying and doing. They've been disabused by born again Christians enough times in their up-to-now worthless lives to not have an excuse.

(I get angry because this is the par for the course state of Christianity in general. The devil is in control of his putrid kingdom, *but* he needs help from *his followers* -- whether they be dupes or consciously wicked souls. And most of these wicked souls are the ones who are first in line to lead churches and teach in seminaries and similar positions.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

>:o I've had it!!!





~:| I suppose I could take the 'wise' approach and deal with these people in a 'softer' manner.



~:| The problem is they take on these vain roles as church 'leaders' and then refuse to be engaged in any manner other than 'reverence'...



~:| So you have to give it to them in a, shall we say, direct manner...



~:| Like this:

>:o God will say, He never knew ye, oh ye water-carriers of the Beast church 'leaders', what's wrong with you? wake up!!! Stop quoting Calvin too!!! He never knew ye either!!! He's sitting with Bernard and Theresa of Avila and Bunyan saying why are so many blockheads calling themselves by my name? Because the devil's followers always congregate wherever truth is so as to defile it or keep people from it. !!! Federal Theology is truth!!! So the man-fearers and sacerdotalists just have to come around and make themselves 'leaders' of God's people just like...oh, I won't go there!!!





May 24, 2008 at 12:37 PM  

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