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More from the 'Rev.' Bruce G. Buchanan, SJ

Update below...

Awhile back I said the JesuitBoard (excuse me, the PuritanBoard) was going to have a mass 'conversion' to Roman Catholicism within five years. It's happening much sooner.

One of their high priest's latest comments will serve as an example.

Contra_Mundum "da wabbit"

>>What is the "Constantinian conspiracy theory" for young people like me who don't know it?

To quote the final sentence of the article:
"At the very least, we should ponder why the original Greek Renewed-Covenant texts universally employed this place-holder code, and contemplate why the code was replaced by the pagan-compromised Church of Rome under Constantine and his successors."

The EEEEVIL Constantine realized he could not defeat the church by persecution, SO! he sneakily decided to take over the church by making it the official religion!

This is the same sort of rant that the Seventh-Day-Adventists write. That the "Trail of Blood" Baptists teach. Oneness Pentacosals. That all purity was lost when Constantine faked his conversion, and made the church official, and Roman. They accept the Roman claims (on the one hand) to have changed the day of worship on her own authority, to have instituted infant baptism and sprinkling on her own authority, to have created hierarchy over against pure congregationalism on her own authority, created the doctrine of the Trinity on her own authority, rewritten the Bible using corrupted manuscripts and making the Vulgate official and off limits to laymen on her own authority, ... and, changed the real name of Yehoshua to Jesus! O MY GOODNESS, WILL THEY STOP AT NOTHING!!!!!

On the other hand, anyone at all whom Rome persecuted must have, de facto, been good Christians. This would include proto-Jehovah's Witnesses (Arians) proto-Mormons, and all kinds of others with aberrant doctrines. BUT, because they weren't ROME, must have really been OK. Those must be lies told about those good people and their doctrine, why? Because Rome was pure evil, and they only persecuted the righteous! So logical...

"Just listen to us, WE will set you straight; WE have them figured out; WE have unscrambled your Bible; trust us..."

Christian Gnosticism, nothing less.

Basically he's defending the genocide committed by the Roman Catholic Beast Church against bible-believing Christians throughout the history of the Beast's tyranny prior to and during the Reformation (and he would probably defend the Beast's acts of murder committed after the Reformation as well one would have to assume). And notice the mocking language he uses. He is mocking true believers who are able to discern the Beast and the actions of the Beast and who can discern abomination. Notice also the dishonest language he throws in. This is always what you see with these devils. Notice he includes abborhent groups in with Baptists and so on. Notice also he believes everything the Roman Beast's wicked propagandists have said about and against all the Christians they committed atrocities and genocide against. This default Jesuit believes every bit of it. Whatever comes out of the mouth and other orifices of the devil this boy eats, while mocking any Christian who can see the truth.

And they're all cowards too. Followers of the devil all have that trait. Cowards. Even the more asinine ones who affect a 'dark visage'. Confront them and they are bent over showing their women's underwear.

Jesuits by any other name. Wylie called them the Pope's dark army. They will infiltrate any church and any branch or denomination. Any environment where they can snatch the devil's own and attempt to snatch God's own, but this is not possible for them. They and the devil only have one tactic: playing for time. Yet still they are subject to God's time.

Update: Notice there is no one over at the PuritanBoard with at least enough fear of God to ask the right 'Rev.' Buchanan just what he thinks his confession calling the Pope of Rome the antichrist actually implies? When it comes down to it these 'confessionalists' mock their own confessions. Their allegiance is to the Beast.

The above paragraph is interesting to contemplate is it not? Just what *does* the Reverend Buchanan and all like him think that the Westminster Confession of Faith calling the Pope the antichrist actually *implies*? And does he not know the history of the Reformation where the Beast Church murdered Bible-believers and told the world they were 'heretics'? When does dumb dupe bleed into willful follower of the Beast?


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