Careful unsuspecting newbie, you are in the territory of the dark army...
An unsuspecting newbie at the JesuitBoard (excuse me, PuritanBoard) has posted a link to C. S. Lewis quotes. I find the page to be an exceptional choice of quotes; here it is.
Now watch the scholars at the JesuitBoard (excuse me, PuritanBoard) carp the baby out with the bathwater and 'counsel' and 'admonish' and display 'grave reservations' and call for all to be 'careful' regarding Lewis.
And look for annmarie to be banned by the end of July... (Unless she bows her knee to Baal to a requisite degree in the aftermath of this scandal of linking C. S. Lewis quotes...)
"Where, except in the present, can the Eternal be met?"
--Christian Reflections
That's a good one. The JesuitBoard moderators (excuse me, PuritanBoard moderators) will now determine 'the present' to be a dangerous cultish false teaching. Better to stick with Rome, er, Reformed orthodoxy as taught by ordained intellectuals with seminary degrees from official accredited seminaries, or strip malls if the authority is James White (Peace Be Upon Him)...
Because, to recognize 'the present' you have to be - to some degree - awake. Which is anathema to churchians and to the Beast system which they follow and impose. No, 'the present' must be identified as cultic false teaching and those who mention it in anything other than a severely negative context must be policed and silenced.
"Really, a young Atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully. Dangers lie in wait for him on every side."
--Surprised by Joy
"Every sin is the distortion of an energy breathed into us..."
--Letters to Malcolm
(Lewis knew the language of the Work. Yes, churchians, better run away. Run away fast!)
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