Dead-soul academic Christians
Another dead-soul academic Christian makes a scene ("See me! It's about me! Look at me!"), gets other dead-soul academic Christians to gossip and argue about him ad nauseam, it comes to a head, he's either triumphantly voted in to stay, or he is outrageously voted to be kicked out (!) - the drama of the academic Christians! - then moves on to a post at a more maturely-corrupted institution happy to have him.
If a Spurgeon, a Pink, a Bunyan - a Calvin, a Zwingli - showed up at one of these asinine 'seminaries' they'd be either mocked to the point of leaving, or they'd be set-up on false charges and kicked off for not being shallow. The Village of Morality can't exist with non-shallow individuals in their environments.
If you want to encounter non-academic Christianity read Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. See how a man of God, who was a real teacher of God's elect, carried himself in his words and understanding. And it's not a small fact that he had a clue that the Word of God is something you don't treat as play-doh.
As for the current dead-soul academic Christians... They are having fun for now masquerading as CHRISTIANITY CENTRAL, and currently getting away with it; but they can't help but expose their dead-soul asinine selves in their every thought, word, and deed.
What triggers these posts? Every time I read one of these dumb seminary boys talking about their 'textual criticism' and how it only points to one thing: scholars as authority in place of God and his providence. And it is here that is the foundation for all the asinine drama that comes out of these seminaries, the unending drama of "have they gone liberal yet?" and they can't see it, and don't want to see it. Don't want to see that when you don't see the Word of God as something that is above you you will forever be unregenerate and vain and veering towards the Satanic current of the world. Just a matter of time. They don't care, though. Anything but giving up their man-fearing and man-authority.
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