Skirting the boundaries of speaking out-of-school
Christian 'teachers' with elbow patches and vain academic titles telling Christians all about the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit only comes into contact with Christians when clerics in suit and tie are conducting ritual sessions in church buildings.
Do you feel the power?
And notice how to make his more-powerful-than-cardboard point he has to associate the Holy Spirit with Pentecostalism and hence with images of people squirming in aisles or handling snakes or doing basically what new age dupes of the devil by any other name do.
Mr. Hyde, you want to know what the Spirit is all about? Careful what you ask for (not that you are asking.) Be prepared for battle. The very thing you most desire to avoid. Battle with your old man, the world, and the devil. Anything but that.
Here's how you know you have the Spirit in you: your Old Man (that inner Adamic nature that doesn't want to die) fights back. The world gives you friction. The devil sees there is one in his kingdom no longer an unconscious slave going with the flow, so he confronts you. You find yourself in battle. A three-front war.
What did you 'do' to get into this conflict? You began to engage the Word of God as if it were something that is above you. You began to awaken and to fear God only. (This means you no longer fear and revere man.)
What does it mean to 'begin to awaken'? It means you develop within you the basic level of self-awareness that is needed to begin to be able to see yourself and your surroundings from an internal position - elevation - of observation that is not merely one 'I' in you flitting about in waking sleep and turning into other 'I's without you being aware.
No, you are not required to know the practical level of the faith to be what you are, but when you set yourself up as a teacher of Christians you need to be disabused of your nonsense by one of God's elect.
When Jesus tells you to knock he is speaking to you internally. Oh, yes, all that in the New Testament that doesn't make it into mainstream systematic theologies actually has meaning for a Christian. Yes, Jesus' teachings on awakening are actually a part of the whole "Christian thing"... Just as the teaching on spiritual warfare is, despite it too not getting it's own category in systematic theologies. The devil doesn't want those subjects having attention brought to them (which is also why the devil has successfully deleted such passages out of his Alexandrian 'bibles' that modern day Christian 'teachers' push as the real thing).
Being a Child King is Dangerous
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