Ahh, looks like your time is running out...
Typically wet, ignorant, inane thoughts-passing-for-wisdom in churchianity:
It seems that the election results have gone in ways that make some Christians fear that the end times are upon us and evil is making its climactic rise to challenge the authority of God.
This… seems to take a very America-centric view of eschatology. Monsters like Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, and Josef Stalin have all risen and fallen and have not been the harbinger of the end times. But this guy wants to socialize our health care, and Jesus is supposed to be so enraged that he will come storming back to save us?
Please. The Christian faith is doing great. Christ’s church is being built. The gospel is exploding in other parts of the world. It’s not the end of the world… just because you think America’s going down the tubes or because you don’t like the guy elected to lead one branch of the government for the next four years.
If you’re struggling… just take a deep breath, put down your copy of Left Behind, and pray for the president-elect.
When the planes went into the World Trade Center towers a breach was made inaugurating a new era on this planet. The devil had never had permission or ability to breach God's country. When it happened, ask anybody at the time if they thought the U.S. would elect a black boy who grew up Muslim and was named 'Hussein' into the oval office. Ha, ha, ha, right. Now it's happened. And the churchianity pant-loads say "Take a deep breath." I can observe your filthy father the devil doing his thing without getting out of breath, churchianity boys and girls.
When the King returns it will be for taking out you dhimmi churchians as much as the monkey shit muslims.
We see the monkey shit muslims in Europe and we know that is not right. That is unusual. That is a breach in God's order. That is end-times unique. The same with this new breach and assault by the devil and his followers in America. God has his remnant and He has his lands. He gave over most of the world to the devil, and this is why we don't see it as unusual that the devil would own a Maoist China or the lands of the old Soviet Union or Africa or the middle east or Cambodia or any of them. God's people, God's remnant, were not in those lands. Those lands were the devil's territories. This is why the churchians and the liberals and all the rest of the devil's children cried and screamed so loudly when the U.S. went into Iraq. That was the devil's territory. They were channeling the displeasure of the devil, hollow fools that they are.
We are in the midst of the final anti-Christ uprising. Now the devil has been given power to deceive the nations. You see the devil's children all over the world working in concert now, thinking as one, and zeroing in on the last part of Earth that the devil has never owned: America.
When there is no where left to defile, churchians, then the King returns, and you get your churchian asses handed to you along with your friends the monkey shit muslims and the liberals and the atheists and all the rest of the devil's special children. And it will be Christians like myself handing your filthy ass to you. Guess what? I will show you no mercy.
Mentionings of 'shit' = 6
of 'duped' = 1
of 'pant-load' = 1
of 'wet' = 1
of 'ignorant' = 1
of 'inane' = 1
of 'Hussein' = 1
of 'filthy' = 2
of 'cowardly' = 1
of 'churchian' = 4
of 'dhimmi' = 1
of 'monkey' = 3
of 'boy' = 1
of 'devil's children' = 3
of 'defile' = 1
of 'churchian asses' = 1
of 'filthy ass' = 1
of 'show[ing] you no mercy' = priceless
It shocks me to find the intellectual rigor associated with KJVonlism applied in this way. Shocked I say.
Al sends
Methinks you don't value a defense of the AV when it is given you by an Edward Hills.
Good luck to your scholars constructing the Word of God. Are they finished yet? Oh, of course not! But they're very authoritative! Unlike that received traditional Masoretic/TR text.
Al, find a comfortable place to melt into a raging pool of fetid liquid...ready?:
1Ti 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
I took some shits out because I don't like sounding toooo trailer trash. Not toooo...
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