PuritanBoard administrator caught being flippant, then exposes lack of chivalry in fellow PuritanBoard moderators
There's a woman (girl, woman, I don't know, it's enough that she is a female) at the PuritanBoard who recently joined and was in the midst of a thread where she was debating some of the other members and she was mostly doctrinally correct, but it was a lively debate. Then one of the more immature moderators over there, one Joshua, did what he likes to do, he came in and made a flippant remark in a thread he had no part or interest in. It just so happened to be an insulting remark to the lone female. Another chivalrous knight of the faith...not. A churchian, and a typical Village of Morality delinquent. (I had my own run in with this person where he reworded the title of something I wrote to make me look like a fool. My intro to that cesspool of churchianity the PuritanBoard.)
So this female - Sarah - did what I think is admirable: she told them to revoke her membership, then she announced she had left the forum for good.
Here is the pathetic part: none of the other moderators came to her defense. Again, no chivalry in churchianity. Just a bunch of effeminate men making cutting remarks about real women like gay boys in their little club.
The immature moderator in question (I've decided not to call him a creep or creepy, because I want to expunge the mean words from my usual vocabulary), Joshua, said his remark was not directed at Sarah. Right... Here's the sequence:
Sarah wrote in one of her just previous posts: "I believe it is a very important doctrine to get right. And I do think it should be hashed out."
Then a moderator named Contra_Mundum wrote: "Why don't we just acknowledge that this is all a pretty overwhelming scenario that defies neat categorizations?"
Then Joshua the flippant moderator who rebukes and disciplines all members like they are children wrote (sandwiched between little graphic faces of the "Oh my God, WOW!!!" variety: "Because there could be no more back and forth banter prowess displayed! We'd have to go back to work or something. Or read! We must hash it all out, Pastor!!!"
Sarah then responded: "I think this is rude. Certainly not a fruit of the Holy Spirit. I do work and I work hard. I do read not only the Bible but other godly men's work. But perhaps you're right. Perhaps I spend too much time here. Maybe it's time you take away my membership here."
Joshua then writes: "Sarah, I'm not really sure why you took this personally, it certainly wasn't directed at anyone in particular. *shrug*"
Look at the underlined parts above.
The PuritanBoard forum is run and controlled by these immature types. This is churchianity.
And it's unfortunate but par for the course that no other moderator came to her defense or said anything against the immature flippant acts of one of their fellow moderators. Why? Village of Morality rules. Never rebuke one of your own. They are respecters of persons to an absolute degree. And there is no chivalry in their camp. Churchianity. End times rot.
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