You want blood, you got it
It's hard not to be drawn into these political things when a presidential campaign goes on for two years now. I get pulled in. Big issues are at stake too which tempts one to get all involved emotionally and so on.
Also, the left in America are mockers. They know, their leaders know, they are doing evil, and they grin and mock and say, basically, to people like me "You can't stop us, hee hee hee!" They provoke and tempt you to get all involved and identified with it all.
The devil's kingdom.
In America the margin for such game-playing though is big, or has been in the past. We could afford our idiots. Now the margin is not so big (and getting smaller), and it will be interesting to see how Americans in general react to the mockers now that they are in power and able to do the ultimate evil against this country.
I probably should just not get as worked up about it now. It's not like I have power other than a vote. I'll just watch, and get mocked and laughed at by the devil's fools of the world. If grass roots things are needed I'll do my part there. I'll pray. One person. But generally I won't be so emotionally attached to it all. Seeing the devil win is galling, but this is what happens until the return of the King.
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