God has marked the false teachers in our midst
Listen. There are filthy, satanic Jesuits parading around as Reformed Christians. How do you know them?
Well, what does God do to false teachers? I'll tell you what God does to false teachers: He marks them.
God marks false teachers.
How do you spot the false teachers self-identifying as Calvinst/Reformed today?
They follow the teachings of Westcott and Hort. And they can't help but follow the teachings of Westcott and Hort. God decrees that they follow such satanic teaching. They are false teachers.
You can't follow the teachings of Westcott and Hort and be a Reformed Christian. Period.
You can't be liberal on the most foundational thing for a Christian, the very Word of God, and be Reformed.
What's more, if you hold to the teachings of spotted Westcott and spotted Hort and you accept their filthy, corrupt 'bibles' you simply do not have the Spirit of Christ in you. You have no discernment that can only come from the Holy Spirit. You are not regenerated by the Word and the Spirit. You are not born again.
And when you mock believers who are able to discern the pure and whole Word of God (who know the voice of the Shepherd) and who value that pure and whole Word of God, preserved supernaturally by God, and you mock the Bible Christians value and have given their lives in defense of throughout the history of redemption you are no more a Christian than any mocking atheist.
Again, you can't hold to the teachings of Westcott and Hort and be a Reformed Christian any more than you can hold to the teachings of Charles Finney and be a Reformed Christian.
God has marked the false teachers in our midst: they follow the teaching and promote the filthy, poisonous, satanic 'bibles' of Westcott and Hort.
May they receive their just reward.
White is a Jesuit, Clark a dupe.
Step back and look at the scene. When did Christianity become a matter of academia? Notice they act like systematic theology is higher mathematics, when any Christian with the Spirit understands it before they even encounter it fully? Understands it better, it always turns out, than the shallow academics who rarely if ever even read the Word of God itself?
Why are academics afraid of the actual Word of God? Because the Word of God forces you to awaken. The most fearful thing for a village of morality academic is to see themselves and to awaken to their state and condition. It also takes away their 'honor' among men and their power, such as it is, to lord it over those yet to grow in the faith and be able to see what delinquent imbeciles these man-fearers are. The man-fearers first defense is to adopt Westcott and Hort 'bibles' which they can look down on and not fear/revere as a Christian does who engages the pure and whole received Word. Their second defense is to not even read thier corrupt 'bible' to begin with. Their third defense is to demand enforcement of man-fearing in domains that they control: the classroom and their pathetic 'churches.' Probably their home as well. They never congregate where real Christians are: on the field of battle. On the Way. And when confronted by real Christians these man-fearers run faster than guilty delinquents when an adult comes on the scene.
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