The call of the Beast
Here it is. Listen to the siren howl.
Yes, the siren howl of the Beast. What protects you from being in bondage to the system of the Beast? The armor of God. The five solas. The word of God inside you. Read the word of God. Put on the armor of God. The Kingdom of God is within you, and union with Christ is within.
You need understanding to discern the system of the Beast. The Beast preys upon ignorance (and weakness). Be strong in the knowledge of the Lord. The word of God.
Don't be motivated by anything to do with this time and this world. Be motivated by eternity. The siren howl you hear continuously, a howl in nature but a song in deception, will turn into an eternal reality of grinning devils and lost souls.
Don't fall for the siren howl of the Beast. Be a prophet, a priest, and a king in your understanding of Scripture (be mighty in the Scriptures), in your engaging of Scripture, in your warfare now and beyond. Your King, Jesus Christ, and His Kingdom brook no imposters.
Jesus prays in John 17 that His disciples would be one, even as He and the Father are one, so that the world may see our unity and know that the Father sent Christ and loves us. So, it seems that given what Jesus says, all those who follow Christ should be seeking unity in the truth with each other. That sort of ecumenicism (which I have described here), is in keeping with the heart of Jesus revealed in John 17.
In the peace of Christ,
- Bryan
Ephesians 4. Unity of *Spirit.* There is a spirit of disobedience which is not the Spirit that is God.
Anti-Christ calls for unity as well. "Can't we all just get along? Peace, peace, love, love..."
Eph 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God
Unity involving faith and knowledge (doctrine) of Jesus Christ. No imposters, the real thing. You'll have to come on over to biblical doctrine before you can experience the unity the word of God talks about.
Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
A worldly unity is not what Jesus is referring to in John 17. The deceivers referenced in the verse above want worldly unity. 'Ecumenism.' Defilement by the world.
The unity of the Kingdom of God exists in the *new heart* of every believer born again by the Word and the Spirit.
No compromise with false teachings and false teachers. No compromise with the system of the Beast.
I also reject the "spirit of disobedience". And I agree that we are to be one in Spirit. But St. Paul says there that there is "one body". The unity to which we are called is not a mere spiritual unity; it is also a visible unity, not being in schism. I'm not advocating any kind of "anti-Christ" unity or false unity. I am seeking unity that is based on the *truth*. Nor do I want or propose any "imposters", or any kind of "compromise", as you'll see in my "Two Ecumenicisms" article. Nor do I propose any communion with the "system of the Beast". I believe everything that the Bible teaches. I do not support "worldly unity", except that all men would treat each other with respect and charity, as fellow image-bearers of God.
So the fact that evil people also want unity shouldn't dissuade Christians from pursuing the unity that Christ prays that we have. If, as Jesus prays in John 17, the world is supposed to see this unity, then it can't merely be some hidden spiritual unity. We must be truly one, in doctrine, in worship, and in authority, so that the world sees our unity and sees in it the unity of Christ with the Father.
In the peace of Christ,
- Bryan
Pretending that your church is not an anti-christ cult that puts man in the place of Christ and replaces the word of man for the Word of God and pretends that ritual regenerates thus enabling one to say: "The unity to which we are called is not a mere spiritual unity; it is also a visible unity, not being in schism.", indeed pretending it is not the system of the Beast itself does not speak well for your mental health.
Listen, read the Bible. The pure and whole Bible, the AV1611. It makes a difference. Why? Because it has the authority of God in it. That is why it is currently so hated by academia (including Reformed academia) and by liberal Christians and by all self-identified Christians who have yet to be regenerated by the Word and the Spirit.
You need union with Christ. Come out of the Beast system, come out of the darkness and bondage of the Kingdom of Satan. Stop being an apologist for it. Your conscience knows the truth.
But you simply have to get the Word of God *into* you because currently you are hollow and your vanity, worldly pride, and rebellious self-will are in charge within you. You need a foundation for your real, essential self to be able to stand upon and to develop on. Only the Word of God taken in unfiltered, humbly, will give you that foundation.
Pretending that your church is not an anti-christ cult that puts man in the place of Christ
The Church that Christ founded does not "put man in the place of Christ"; Christ Himself gave His authority to His Apostles, to speak in His name and with His authority. He gave Peter the keys of the kingdom, and promised the Apostles that whatever they bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever they loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. He promised them that if they forgive anyone's sins, that person's sins would be forgiven, and if they retained anyone's sins, that person's sins would be retained. (John 20:23)
Nor do we "replace the word of man for the Word of God". We embrace the whole Bible as the divinely inspired words of God. We believe all that is in it, and that everything in it is true.
We don't "pretend that ritual regenerates". The Holy Spirit regenerates, in the sacrament of baptism, as the Church fathers and the Scriptures testify.
In the peace of Christ,
- Bryan
You're commonly awed by buildings, tall hats, and priestcraft paraphernalia. You're also riding the strength of the 19th century liberals slipping your Alexandrian texts back into circulation amongst Protestants. You're thinking: "Well, since we've gotten them to downgrade the Word of God, perhaps we can get them to come back into our Beast den?"
You'll never fool God's elect. God's remnant in every era of the history of redemption.
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