Atheists exposed
Notice that atheists know the truth that they are rebelling from? See how they give themselves away. Here is a clear example:
A scientist makes a discovery. It splashes across headlines. The *first* thing the generic atheist thinks is: "Oh, I hope he's not a Christian."
Well, it turns out the scientist *is* a Christian.
So what does the generic atheist think and hope then? "OK, I hope he's a Mormon (or a Unitarian, or a Deist, or a...) Anything but a Christian who holds to the truth, which the generic atheist in his heart *knows* exists, and knows enough to know which Christians hold to it and which don't.
Atheists exposed.
More straw men than a Wizard of Oz convention on Guy Fawkes Day.
It's pretty clear you're never going to make a scientific discovery, since science doesn't consist of making up crap and claiming it matches reality.
You pretty much just described modern day Darwinians, didn't you?
And did I hear you say Christian scientists can't make scientific discoveries? And you wrote that *on the internet*?
The U.S. Defense Dept. is, on any given day, about 99.999999999% Christian.
But you know you can't take a step forward, backward, left or right without stepping on ground Christian scientists put there for you (that is figurative language).
Let me explain. When Brian uses the term straw man, he means you are presenting a distortion in order to make an irrelevant argument. He said youwould not make a scientific discovery, not Christians in general. You do need to learn to read.
re your original post, you do like to make wacky generalizations. What evidence do you have that atheists have this secret wish that all discoveries come from someone not Christian? Evidence? Or are you just lying?
Can you provide evidence for you statement that 99.9999999999% of the defense department is Christian or what it has to do with anything?
Chris, I hope your sixteen years old because your desire to seem 'smart' would be unbecoming otherwise.
No, I rode over his statement that *I* couldn't make a scientific discovery, because that was an inane statement.
As for fallacies, I'm glad you've discovered them. They're like near-beer for first year philosophy students.
Nearly six years later, and you still don't have a lick of support for your lies about atheists.
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