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Words the academic priesthood can neither grasp nor counter

The difference between the modern versions of the Bible vs. the Authorized - King James - Version comes down to the difference between a constructed text vs. a received text.

When you get serious with the Word of God you gravitate towards the received text (Hebrew Masoretic, Greek Textus Receptus, i.e. Traditional Text). You cease looking down at the Word of God as a document that requires 'you' to determine its content and you begin to look up to it, in humility, as something received, knowing that the Holy Spirit and Christians before you have shepherded it pure and whole down through history, through intense warfare and martyrdom, knowing you need it more than it needs you.

The constructed text is for children in the academy. The received text is for spiritual warriors on the Way.

The children of the academy are a petulant and deeply asleep playground lot. Their followers are simple dupes and useful idiots who currently fear the opinion of man more than they fear God and their own conscience.

The Word of God is a battleground of spiritual warfare. The devil has been attacking it and corrupting it from the beginning (he began in the Garden). The children of the academy know nothing of this battle. They know nothing of spiritual warfare. They are tame, deeply asleep slaves of the devil in the devil's kingdom.

The children of God, prophets, priests, and kings all of them, know they need the real Sword of the Spirit on the Way. They know they need real armor of God to stand against the world, the devil, and their own inner Old Man. The AV1611 is for spiritual warriors on the Way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

M'kay... fine... but, um, WHICH version of the AV might you be talking about? Looks like scribes and translators make mistakes, even KJV ones. Too bad God didn't wait until the computer age until inspiring scripture. Or perhaps you need to rethink your theories on textual transmission. You and Bart Ehrman get too neurotic over typos. You both need to chill.

August 10, 2009 at 2:42 PM  
Blogger c.t. said...

All editions of the AV are the same, pilgrim. Spelling and punctuation notwithstanding. Some publishing houses do indeed make little changes here and there, which they shouldn't, but if you get a nice Cambridge leather edition you'll be OK. Actually most any King James Version will be OK.

You see, I'd prefer you read a Geneva Bible is you absolutely can't stomach the AV. Interesting though that there are no modern Bibles based on the Hebrew Masoretic and Greek Textus Receptus to recommend (the NKJV doesn't use the Masoretic, and departs often from the TR). God seems to have kept that field alone to the AV. For good reason.

August 10, 2009 at 3:14 PM  
Anonymous ct said...


November 24, 2009 at 2:21 AM  

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