A seminary professor discourses on bible versions
Another Kindergarten presentation on the most foundational issue for a Christian. And love the part about 'elders' and 'ministers' having the role of teaching the difficult parts of the Bible to ...what, 'lay' people? Man-fearing churchian 'elders' who couldn't demonstrate understanding of the Word of God if you put a gun to their vain, man-fearing heads. And ministers trained in 'seminaries' dumber than any John Shelby Spong or Tammy Faye Bakker when it comes to the Word of God. Seminary graduates who can't even discern the Word of God, let alone who have the power of attention to actually engage it in a complete and dedicated way.
Good God, the fact that you are a professor in an institution that 'trains' Christians is very depressing, but not surprising.
Christians are prophets, priests, and kings. We don't get taught by man. We fear God and are taught by God. We discern you to be of the devil. And a particularly useless little sop of the devil at that.
Why aren't God's elect walking through the doors of your little man-fearing, village of morality 'churches'? Because God's elect know the voice of the Shepherd, and it isn't in your satanic, Romanist (per)versions you call bibles (bible products, actually) nor is it in the voice of your indoctrinated-by-liberals seminary graduates who have the same level of understanding as modern day graduates of overtaken-by-the-left ivy league schools like Barack and half his administration and half the journalists who drool over him as if he is their long-awaited anti-Christ.
Get understanding, professor. You don't have it currently. Here is what you do: fear God, you worthless sop. Fear God alone. Stop fearing and revering shit-ass man, including your own vain, useless, juvenile self.
God's people lost patience with churchians long ago.
If you don't understand the harshness of the language I use towards these sops who teach in the name of Christ you can't yet discern the importance of the Word of God as the foundation of the faith and the corruption the devil has been wreaking on the Word of God since 19th century liberals did their bait and switch producing now scores of perverted bible products which carry nothing of the Holy Spirit and have zero power to regenerate (what sustains pride and vanity does not regenerate and all these bible products with the authority of man and not God in them fail to regenerate), hence all these churchians with their man-fearing and their unbroken pride and their wet intellectual vanity determining what the Word of God will be, not able to see that they need the Word of God, the real thing, and it certainly *does not* need them.
The counter-Reformation has been successful, except of course for the remnant, the always present symbolic 7000 (or who knows, nowadays that number may still be accurate) who know better than to bow their knee to Baal.
God comes down hard on individuals who teach in the name of Christ and bring the devil's gruel. Especially on the subject of the Word of God these churchians are convicted.
One can't use language that is harsh enough.
You seem to have this angry, simplistic prejudice against all biblical scholarship. Lower textual criticism is not the same as theological liberalism. One is like an archeologist who helps to unearth letters from the Beloved. The other is like a sleazy, perverse psychologist who seeks to slander the Beloved by deconstructing the contents of those letters. You are too reductionistic. Best to concentrate on the NPP, FV, and "emergents" who are eating away at the church from the inside.
This is self-justification, and it doesn't separate you from the sleaze.
One rapes the virgin, the other 'lovingly' 'introduces' the virgin to sex. Both of you are creeps defiling the virgin.
The virgin doesn't need your input.
You're like Darwinians who attempt to justify their lack of evidence by saying macro evolution is the same as micro evolution. It's all self-justification in the service of doing the devil's demands and desires.
Watch out, c.t., or you may get arrested and beheaded. The creeps outnumber the remnant.
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