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Even when in rebellion the unregenerate still fear Jehovah

I get real joy when I see modern day churchianity leaders and theologians disdain to write or say the name Jehovah. Even when they mouth 'God' it comes out twisted. It's usually pronounced Gode, or the 'g' gets stuck in their throat. Their unregenerate being is not allowing them to even say God. But it's their disdain of the name Jehovah that gives me even more pleasure. It tells me God is having influence on their unregenerate hearts. Their scholar authorities tell them to not even go near the name Jehovah. They have given them an alternative. This watered-down, fay construction: 'Yahweh.'


Anonymous ct said...

Kind of like Amway. Similar environment, too, between 'yahweh' churchian gatherings and Amway conventions.

December 29, 2009 at 8:27 PM  

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