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Dostoevsky and Homer

I was skimming through a biography of Dostoevsky (Joseph Frank wrote a definitive 5-volume bio of Dostoevsky which has been abridged to a one-volume edition), and came across a letter the then 19 year old D. wrote where he stated (I was going to jot it down but didn't) basically: Homer is at the level of Christ. The Iliad sums up the entire spiritual world of the old world as Christ sums it up for the new world.

Though his theology is a bit off, I found it interesting just from the angle that he really seemed to be influenced by Homer at a young age.

I was directed back to Dostoevsky because a new Reformed systematic theology, the first volume of one, was recently published (written by Douglas Kelly) where he quotes long passages of great literature to illustrate biblical truths. He quoted long passages from D.'s novel Demons (or the Possessed). D. had a lot of prophet in him. (Funny, Turgenev thought the religious aspect of Dostoevsky's and Tolstoy's work was not appropriate for literary works. That's why they are who they are, and you are who you are, Turgenev. Dostoevsky thought Turgenev and Tolstoy were his main competition, for the record.)

But I was thinking if one wanted to get a complete download of Dostoevsky these seven works might do it:

Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
The Idiot
The Possessed
a volume of his great short works
A Writer's Diary (abridged to one volume)
Joseph Frank's biography of him (abridged to one volume)


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