Prophets, priests, and kings vs. the devil's ministers
Awhile back this was posted on the so-called PuritanBoard:
Priests (and Prophets and Kings)
Does anyone know of any good literature, online for free, or in a hardcopy book on the subject of believers being spiritually priests (The Priesthood of All Believers), and for that matter on believers being spiritually prophets and kings (The Prophethood and Kingship of All Believers)?
The thread was summarily 'closed', with zero responses. The good, fearful denizens of the so-called PuritanBoard know an 'off-limits' subject when they see one.
To answer the poster's question, a Brakel in his Christian's Reasonable Service actually has three separate chapters on the subjects of a Christian being a prophet, priest, and king respectively.
Why is this subject off-limits in today's churchian environment? The last thing Beast ministers want is for Christians to learn that they are prophets, priests, and kings. Beast ministers profit from the fear of man and an obsequious posture from the churchians they keep in spiritual bondage for the devil's kingdom. Even the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers alone which Martin Luther hammered on so resoundingly has been successfully muted in today's Beast-controlled church environments. That fact makes the doctrine of Christians being actual prophets and kings seem outright dangerous and pagan or something.
How successful the devil has been in taking over Christian environments and asserting his control through his ministers who demand man-fearing over God-fearing and who then make of the faith something either outright poisonous or deathly shallow and empty. They all will receive their reward.
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