The devil's children never go away and never give up
If you havn't yet humbled yourself to accept the Received Text, the Traditonal Text, Hebrew and Greek, of the Word of God you havn't yet humbled yourself to - or been humbled to - the Word of God itself and the Holy Spirit Himself.
The unregenerate arrogance of the critical text scholars and their useful idiots comes out when you point out to them they are fighting the same battle the Romanists fought during the counter-Reformation against the Word of God. When the critical text scholars and their useful idiots have this made known to them they retreat into mocking and post-modern spinning and rhetoric. I.e. Satanic behavior.
To all you critical text scholars, putative believers and mostly unbelievers, and to all the useful idiots who follow them: may you enjoy your reward in eternal hellfire. Because that is where you are headed. And you know what? You want to be there. So be it. Die and be in eternal hellfire. You deserve it.
To my Father in heaven: I thank you for preserving for me, and giving me your Word, pure and whole, and for inspiring my brothers and sisters throughout history to defend and preserve your Word, pure and whole, against all the forces of darkness and death and evil. As I hold in my hand the traditional text, translated faithfully, known in English as the Authorized, King James Version, mocked by the asinine priesthood of scholars, hated by the devil and his minions, despised by the proud unregenerate of all ages, I thank you Father in heaven for making it possible to hold this Word of yours, your revelation, pure and whole in my hand. I thank you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When I read the devils on the so-called Puritanboard attempting to dissuade Christians away from the traditional text and bring them into the dark satanic 'standard' that is babble of their scholar-constructed abominations they call 'modern' versions I feel a strong need to thank my God in prayer for his *preserved* Word and the fact that I have it in my hands.
A point that never gets made, other than by me, is worth repeating: without the English translation of the Word of God that culminated in the Authorized, King James, Version all these 'modern' versions would literally read like babble. This is something the shallow scholars don't have the knowledge or imagination to see, and it's something that the defenders of the Traditional Text have not pointed out for whatever reason. Without the *standard* of *not only* the Traditional Text - Hebrew and Greek - but the English translation *that culminated* in the Authorized 1611 King James Version modern 'bible' versions today would read like pure babble. In other words (read carefully): the devil himself *needs* the STANDARD to *have something to DEVIATE from.* Without the Standard ALL modern versions would be pure individual babble. Modern scholars *couldn't* even if they so desired produce a bible version was wasn't babble. Without the Holy Spirit shepherded the traditional text into English translation that culminated in the crown version that is the King James Version all versions would be babble. The devil couldn't *if he tried* produce a version that wasn't *obvious* babble. And that is the point: the modern versions would be *obvious* babble without a Standard for them to deviate from, and that standard is the Authorized King James Version and the underlying manuscripts of the AV, the traditional text.
You just learned something, scholars. Those of you who think you are believers but can't see your wet vanity and worldly pride and rebellious self-will in everything you do and say. Inane scholars acting from an intense *fear and reverence of man* who wouldn't know what it means to fear God alone if God Himself taught you what that means (which God does do).
Enough. The King will return and all this crap will be blown into hell where it belongs.
Yet we, God's children, are the MAJORITY that live. We know God's word when we hear it, when we read it. The "crowd" of unbelievers will always find fault with God's word and try to substitute their wisdom (but foolishness) for his truth. I too, have "enjoyed" the "wrath" (mindless babbling) of the worshipers of the textual scholars. In the judgment, they will look and possibly see us, and they will gnash their teeth in vain. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, reigns, and they hate him.
Joe V.
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