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How Satan aids the cause of false teachers within Christianity

One thing regarding debates between believers and false teachers regarding whether there are errors in the Bible or whether the Bible can be inspired while also containing errors ... and so on; one thing about it all is how Satan has influenced such debates by making Islam mimic unabashed Bible-believing Christians so as to make unabashed Bible-believing Christians *look bad.*

Half of what the Devil does is mimicry. Toxic fake representations of the real thing to draw people away from the real thing or to poison the reputation of the real thing in the minds of the easily influenced (like people who don't even know that Islam came along six centuries after the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that the Koran - like the Book of Mormon - derives its authority from the Old and new Testaments while denying the truth of the Old and New Testaments, along with adding a lot of Satanic babble; i.e. a moon basking in the light of the Sun while pretending to be generating that light itself, as if the moon - a symbol of Islam - were generating the light you see coming off it.)

In other words, "Oh, look at those Jihadists, cutting people's heads off, blowing themselves up in crowds of people, threatening the entire world with their barbaric thought and actions, do you see how they are also 'true believers' and do you see how they regard their 'holy book' as inerrant? This is why we must call out and condemn Christians who regard the Bible as inerrant. They are being just like Muslims. It is dangerous."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a Calvinist, right? My perspective for 26 years, maybe more, was that Calvinism was a diabolical copy of true Christianity that the devil made to make Christianity look bad. Christianity is supposed to be about Jesus dying for all men and giving all a chance to be saved if they will believe and come to him. But then the devil comes along and makes Calvinism. It looks like Christianity, it takes about Jesus. But in it, Jesus only dies for a few lucky lottery winners and everyone else is damned to hell a priori no matter what they do. So don't even try this diabolical mimicry argument. As a Calvinist, you have no right. If anyone's religion is a diabolical mimic created by Satan to discredit the real thing, it it your religion, you devil-worshipper. For Calvinists worship the devil. A 'god' who damns people to hell on a dice roll or anything else that is chance or anything other than their own personal actions (the sin of a forefather, for example), such a 'god' is the devil, and you Calvinists worship a 'god' that fits this description.

April 30, 2011 at 3:24 PM  
Blogger c.t. said...

26 years and that is the extent of your understanding?

April 30, 2011 at 10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose that Muslims would behave exactly as you if I had said the same thing to them. You're sad.

May 1, 2011 at 9:58 PM  
Anonymous ct said...

To have such a crude, juvenile, angry take on Calvinism, or Reformed Theology, or apostolic biblical doctrine, the doctrine that fueled the Reformation, and to hold to it for 26 years, suggests you are a bit stuck.

First you should say to yourself, if you are interested in being honest, there are a lot of very smart people, Christian men and women, who hold to Calvinism, today and in the past, can I really say they are all devil worshipers? can I really say they are all dumb? can I really say they are all mislead? No, of course you can't. Not if you want to be honest.

Your indignation that some would not be saved has to end in a demand that hell not exist, or that hell be empty. Are you a universalist?

Your accusation that Calvinists would be the judge of who is and who isn't saved is a straw man you use to justify your angry emotional tirade.

Biblical doctrine needs to be accepted for what it is. Unwatered down, un-negotiated down to the demands of our worldly, indignant, resentful, self-righteous, self-justified fallen nature. Our vanity, worldly pride, and our self-will.

When you accept biblical doctrine for what it is it effects an internal reorientation that can be called changing from being man-centered to being God centered. Ideally, if the grace of God, the Holy Spirit, regeneration by the word and the Spirit, be in you.

You're really angry at God. How dare God judge you. How dare God not save everybody. How dare God not be as good and charitable as you are. How dare He?

If God can't trust you He can't have you in His Kingdom; and if His doctrine makes you resentful and angry then He can't trust you.

You need to humble yourself to God's word. Accept it for what it is. Don't put demands on it.

May 2, 2011 at 1:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"First you should say to yourself, if you are interested in being honest, there are a lot of very smart people, [Muslim] men and women, who hold to [Islam], today and in the past, can I really say they are all devil worshipers? can I really say they are all dumb?"

This is the tactic the devil always uses. "Surely since so many people believe in my garbage, it can't be false."

May 2, 2011 at 7:57 PM  
Anonymous ct said...

Well, it's not actually an argument for numbers. Serious people whose actions and works have been vetted by time.

If you don't see the point, though, that is of course telling.

May 2, 2011 at 11:04 PM  

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