Just call it like it is
Notice a Peter Enns and his current friend-in-intellectual-bondage Susan Wise Bauer both say they believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus - a supernatural event - but all that creation account in Genesis? Well that is just too hard for a smart, modern person to swallow.
Do you really think they believe in *anything* supernatural?
We know they're shallow. In the case of Enns we also know he's dishonest, and in the case of Bauer we know she's also afraid (of pretty much everything...that Ivy League environment being similar to 20th century communist regimes where everybody was kept on edge that they could get a bullet in the back of their head at any given time for any given reason), but when they deny the authority of Scripture, when they blatantly - even jokingly - state that the apostle Paul 'got things wrong', or that the hermeneutic of Paul was inferior to modern day academics, then these are people who don't believe *anything* that falls under the heading of Christianity.
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