The Mosaic Covenant and republication for the 837th time
The eyes of academic Reformed theologians and those who follow them are no more turned away from Christ than when they are debating the Mosaic Covenant with regards to republication.
And yes that means this: when you see the issue as Jesus Christ came to fulfill what the first Adam failed to fulfill; and Jesus Christ was born under the law; and national Israel was a prototype of the coming Jesus Christ; then you can take it from there. (Hint: note the name Jesus Christ put three times in the above sentence. Does it anger you? Apparently it does. Many of you.)
I've kind of personally given up trying to explain it to the average Reformed believer. They seem to be petulant to a degree that suggests it's a discernment issue only the Holy Spirit can cure.
[Note: for beginners to Reformed Theology this subject is complicated for other reasons. Just learn Federal Theology, the spine of which is the two Adams, Adam in the Garden, and Jesus Christ.]
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