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Pre-flood levels of violence and evil?

Yesterday I happened to be at LiveLeak (that *English* website) when a video was uploaded (then pulled) showing Mexican cartel killers killing two rival cartel members. The video was close and in full focus and daylight lighting. They first interrogated the two men (who were sitting against a wall with their hands tied behind their backs and their feet tied, shirtless). Then about half way into the video one masked executioner arrives (from the right side of the scene) with a *chainsaw*, starts it up, and proceeds to cut off one of the men's head with it. Probably the most violent snuff film ever shown on public media. Even more violent in its way than Jihadist beheadings, though those made one sick when we first saw them years back. Then another masked executioner arrives from the left side of the scene with simply a long knife and proceeds to cut the other man's head off in the usual way, though slowly, and the man's chest was heaving for air pretty much all the way through the ordeal.

What was striking was when the first man was having his head chainsawed off the other guy was just sitting there thinking, "The guy right next to me is having his head cut off with a chainsaw, and I'm next." The two were almost touching they were sitting so close to each other.

Another striking thing was the guy who had his head chainsawed off had an interesting reaction. He had his head tilted back against the wall when the chainsaw first contacted his throat. The killer just kind of first 'tapped' the guy's throat with the chainsaw (which was on) causing a deep gash and blood gushing out of the main arteries. The man made an immediate agonizing facial expression when the chainsaw tapped him, then *instantly* he took on a spiritual look like he was seeing the spiritual world. Then the killer just launched into the cutting off of his head and he collapsed onto the shoulder of the guy sitting next to him.

The video was taken down by LiveLeak stating its rules had been violated, but I suspect the video was too hardcore violent and criminal even for that site. (Perhaps the criminal element as opposed to warfare footage is what made it violate some rule? I don't know, they show murders caught on video, I think it was just too uniquely savage even for LiveLeak.)

My thought in seeing it was this is the level of violence and lack of valuation for human life that one thinks about as having happened just before the flood, when humanity had become as evil as it possibly could become. Of course it's not uniquely violent compared to the Rape of Nanking, the Killing Fields, what went on in Mao's China or the Soviet Union or Hitler's Third Reich and so forth, but for pure terroristic violence it seemed unique. (Actually I'll say it is not so unique, we just have it on tape, but it does remind us of just *how violent*, or the *degree of violence* that has been happening in places around the world for the last hundred years or so has been.) The Bible says that that time before the flood will resemble the time just before the Second Coming.


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