Three little notes
CAN GOD TRUST ME. I like that question: Can God trust me.
Can he trust me with a lot of money (metaphorically or not)? With great responsibility? With great power? I.e. in His Kingdom.
We can answer the question after awhile. I say yes He can trust me.
Of course He gives me the ability and constitution to be trustworthy.
ARM YOURSELF. In your time left arm yourself.
Armor is defined in Ephesians 6:10-18.
And Biblical doctrine is armor of God. True, hard-to-accept doctrine is the best armor. It changes you internally.
OLD PATH. Get the old books into you. The ones that just have the feel of weaponry and armor. Get them in the parts and the whole. See through the dead patterns around you. See the whole plan of God and the more invisible realm where the battle takes place.
Go for depth of understanding, deeply engrafted, using only a handful of summit level inspired influences. Influences vetted by time. Reread them. In short master the word of God.
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