Unusual book, Pearcey's Finding Truth
I think we have an unusual arrival in this book by Nancy Pearcey titled Finding Truth. It is seeming to me as a consummating book. People in general, people who think about these things, have been picking up on the strongest ideas and concepts that exist, and I've been sending some in email over recent time. Things like personalism/impersonalism, how subject and object are in sync in terms of human nature and the natural creation, the remarkable fact of the fine tuning of the universe, reductionism (I remember quoting the C. S. Lewis passage from that Louis Markhos book, C. S. Lewis, A to Z, or something like that, and how reductionism seemed a powerful, foundational element in seeing false worldviews and how they engage in reductionism) and several other things like that. She has not only gathered them all in this book, but she has brought it all together in a whole and with a purpose to create a kind of handbook on seeing faulty worldviews based on Romans 1 and 2. And to see how Christianity stands above it all and how all false worldviews have to borrow from Christianity to some extent to not give an immediate impression of comical self-refutation. It is a very powerful thing to see.
What we see in this book is really not just arguments against the philosophies of the world over time but a rather *easy* refutation of such things. I.e. things that seemingly *had power* not long ago are now seen as rather easily refuted. I'm reminded of the biblical image of Satan at the end and how he presents a rather pathetic and weak impression. I think this aspect of easy refuting of once powerful things has to do with this era having reached a point where it is now possible to no longer be so easily deluded by such things.
There's an uneasy reception of this book that I sense in some reviews and in other ways, and the same with her Total Truth, that I think has this reason behind it: many people who are sympathetic to the subject matter and conclusions still feel threatened because their own body of work seems to be transcended by this totalizing approach of worldview which is now in a mature, or complete stage of presentation.
No, Finding Truth is not Phenomenology of Spirit or Critique of Pure Reason, no it's not written like such books, yes it's written for a general audience, but it is the subject matter that is powerful. Simple, yet powerful. Because you say as you read it: "Is it this easy? Is it this easy to destroy things that have captured entire eras and movements in politics and arts and social behavior and on and on?" Yes it is. Once the delusion is broken.
As the Satanic rolling thunder road show of never-dead Marxism and now ragingly alive Islamism is casting it's dark shadow over the entire world which signals a real end time environment I think we can also look for new developments that help God's remnant to get a clear view and to develop and be strong in all this lunacy, and what you see in this book is part of that. It, *as a culmination*, is something new on the scene.
- C.
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