Worldview Analysis
I think a reason I'm so enthused by this Finding Truth book by Pearcey is its the first book I've seen that really presents a comprehensive treatment of worldview analysis. I was always getting bits and pieces previously, but now have a source for a complete picture of it.
I always make lists of things like the main influences a person could have, and now *Worldview Analysis* can take its place on such a list.
It's a powerful subject. The criticism of it is this:
1. To philosophers and academics it's too simple, or facile; and
2. to a general readership it gives an impression of doing or saying too much (i.e. it's *seems* impressive, but that is only because the general reader is not knowledgeable or nuanced enough to see what is going on).
My answer to #1 is: your vanity (emptiness) and shallow world is exposed. Yes, it seems simple. Yes, it knocks down worldly philosophies rather easily and quickly. But worldly philosophies are paper houses built on sand. What seems like a bit of truth in this criticism is there *can be* real truth (or beauty or goodness) in these worldly philosophies (or, better said, in things created or accomplished in the secular world), but only by necessity, or by the fact that they have to work with God's creation to begin with. But even having said that real works of art, for instance, are rarely if ever born from an ideologue's shallow, God-hating mind that is holding onto one of these philosophical worldviews. These worldviews all tend to produce the shallow garbage that comes from academic types, and they have never been known to create or invent or discover much of anything of worth. All they can do is light fires. "Look at me! I can't do or create anything of worth, but I can destroy things that have worth! I can twist and distort things so that people descend into darkness and bondage to hellish levels! Weeee!!!"
My answer to #2 is: if the general reader is a Christian with ability from the Holy Spirit to see the Christian worldview then what the Christian is seeing is way above the head of the ideologue pushing the reductionist, "God sucks" worldview. It's impressive to a 'simple' Christian the way light is impressive when it lightens up a darkened room.
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