An esoteric bullet point on Covenant Theology
Here I wrote a ten bullet point post on Covenant Theology.
In this post I'll write an esoteric point.
Jesus tells us how to be in covenant, in the Covenant of Grace. It relates to the so-called sacraments, but the sacraments are visual parable. There is a real, practical way to be in covenant. As real as physical circumcision.
It only happens on the foundation of regeneration by the word and the Spirit, it goes without saying.
Jesus tells us to be watchful, or awake. He also tells us to love our enemy. This correlates to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. The two great commandments of Jesus.
Isn't it interesting that watchfulness and loving one's enemy are not taught in churches and are not mentioned in systematic theologies? Yet they are teachings directly from the mouth of Jesus Christ Himself.
With watchfulness we are filled with the Spirit.
With loving our enemy we are communing with Jesus, our suffering Savior, in a real, practical way.
The two sentences above correlate to ritual water baptism and the Lord's Supper, though they are the practical doing of the sacraments.
A formula from another language: conscious labor, intentional suffering. The two conscious shocks. Conscious shocks to our system because they have to come from inside us, not as random shocks from the world outside us. Think of this last point this way: you are commanded to love your enemy. But in a real time event, in the traffic of your everyday life, you won't even remember that commandment. You'll be caught up in the event and in your resentment. The very act of remembering the commandment is a conscious act. This is partly what is meant by a conscious shock.
Intentional suffering is very different from what we know of as suffering. Most suffering is fake suffering. Various resentments and annoyances, etc. Intentional suffering is like when you *eat* your pride or your vanity in a real time event. It's not easy to do. You have to be separated internally from the 'you' that feels the resentment. But I'm writing this to give an idea that there is more to biblical teaching than is contained in even the best systematic theologies or devotional books.
These things aren't taught at the mainstream level because they provoke limits within a person, and when limits are provoked by definition one is at the end of one's rope, and craziness occurs by default. Yet you have to provoke your limits to be able to increase your limits. Especially to increase your limits to a next stage, where your average state will then be higher than before.
For instance truly practicing watchfulness will make one, eventually, like a crude engine someone has put very refined fuel into which causes the crude engine to explode. So these things can only be approached through stages of initiation, motivated from within.
But watchfulness (being awake in the moment, sometimes associated with the awareness of the presence of God, which ultimately is a necessary component, but at first it's difficult enough just to be awake - "I am here, walking down this street" - in the moment and to hold it) is difficult. Our natural state is waking sleep. Sleep walking through life. It takes effort to be awake in the moment. In fact you'll fall back into waking sleep quickly, and then if you wake up again later you'll then know what waking sleep is. It's where you were in all that in-between time. As I was saying, watchfulness and intentional suffering (loving our enemy) is truly how we can be in covenant. It raises our existence even in time. It makes us useful to God on the spiritual battlefield. It releases us from laws that effect and constrain sleeping people. You become like a knight (male or female) who has contact with Mt. Zion and is yet out in the world. You can effect the very fate of other human beings in ways God wants it effected. Do work for the Kingdom of God.
And in the process you build your being. It is blatant in the New Testament that there is a difference in level of being between God's elect. It angers many, but fear God alone. When you fear God alone you don't fear or worry about what 'angers' the world... Let the world be angry as hell all it wants. The anger of Cain... We are above that...
Fearing God alone also enables one to pursue Wisdom. You don't care what man or the world in general thinks of you. You don't allow the world to dissuade you from seeking wisdom. You fear God alone. A sophisticated language describing in practical language what this post is discussing can be found in a book titled Fourth Way by Ouspensky. It's not for everybody (especially shallow, mocking, scared people), especially not churchians (don't be a churchian), but also it's just truly not for everybody and that doesn't mean some people are lesser Christians than others. Some come, though, to a point where they want the practical level teaching. It needs regeneration. Then it needs a bit of a unique development in life regarding acquaintance with higher influences (imaginative literature, history, philosophy, art, music, science, religion) and a balanced development of each part of our being (intellect, emotion, physical). But Christianity has never been for dopes. It's only with the appearance of the culturally Marxist indoctrinated clerics and theologians that being a dope has been put forth as a virtue in a Christian. Stay away from synagogues of Satan, church or institutions of learning, and the people who teach or lead or come from them.
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