What's happening in Washington, D.C. right now, Dec., 2017
[Updated below.]
Since the Bolshevik Revolution and the Wilson administration there have always been degrees of globalist creepiness in American government, but the real divide - or Rubicon crossing - happened in the Clinton administration when the sitting President (and his wife) sold military secrets to the Chinese for campaign cash.
This is the divide: they - Bill and Hillary - justified this treasonous act by seeing themselves as having 'evolved' to a higher level of political life where they no longer had to have loyalty to their own country. What was this higher level of political life? Globalism. They now gave themselves, their loyalty, to the globalist paradigm. So anything they did after that point was meaningless within the context of U.S. law.
Humans being human (and in the case of Bill and Hillary, shallow humans being shallowly human) they went on a bender of financial corruption and satisfying of physical pleasures that eventually led them to the world of child trafficking and pedophilia. The money corruption resulted in the Clinton Foundation, a massive financial vehicle for bribery, pay for play, influence peddling, money laundering, you name it.
Move on to the Obama administration and you see all the same except that all of America's enemies now were running the show. China benefiting from Washington putting our economy on hold for them, Arab oil money, Jihadist influence in our government and culture, pedophilia corrupting law enforcement at all levels, and the money scam now having evolved into a simple looting of tax dollars real and in the form of future debt.
Because all of this started at the very top the rot was thorough throughout the government as-well-as any side activities attendant or reliant on government such as the mainstream media.
An argument could be made that the Neocon blood-for-money endless war racket they've been working in Washington for many decades was a prelude and corrupting example to the Clinton's and their ilk, but having just written that I'm reminded that the Clinton's were perfecting their criminal tactics in Arkansas long before arriving in Washington, D.C. The Neocons, though, definitely kicked their own racket into high gear once the shackles of rule of law were loosened from the top of the government.
What we're seeing now is the full demonic show being exposed (due to the provident election of Donald Trump, the greatest threat and enemy the globalists have ever faced) though being exposed without any help from all the mainstream media platforms. This lack of mainstream media covering of any of this makes it all a bit of a lunatic show where all the obvious crimes are hanging out there in mid air for everyone to see, yet with nobody other than in alternative media acknowledging it. Throw in the fact that law enforcement has been corrupted from the Justice Department on down thus taking them out of the picture and Americans are left looking at a strange stage play with skulking characters, very little plot, dialogue that is mostly empty or fake, and scenery that is dark and blurred out.
The crimes have reached the depths though. Hard to go further down than child trafficking, torture, molestation, and murder.
So here we are. The storm is upon us. It's breaking. May evil find its rightful place in the lake of fire once and for all.
UPDATE: S. of Australia replies: Nice brief summation. Be good to hear your explanation of what globalism IS also.
I reply: My first take has always been this: globalism is Satan asserting dominion over the entire planet. Prior, Satan was constrained from "deceiving the nations" (which means uniting the nations under one banner). He tried it with Islam but never had more than a symbolic third of the planet. He then tried it with Marxism/communism but never had more than a symbolic third of the planet. He's still using Islam and Marxism, but now they are put under the greater banner of globalism. Lately the veil has been torn that protected the Christian lands from these Satanic movements signaling that we are now in a new phase of the end times.
Ronald Reagan said if the United States is overtaken there will be no where left to go (for liberty, for God's people). This is the same idea. There is only so much real estate on the planet. I always have to add, we as Christians are told by God to stand, to confront the Devil, to occupy, not to acquiesce. This tempers us, sanctifies us, and by our example calls out other of God's elect.
Satan first attempted world dominion at the Tower of Babel, and God scattered the people. He put them in their own nations and gave them their own languages. This is how God wants it. Satan wants what God doesn't want. Satan wants a hybrid, mongrel race of humans with no roots and no history, easily enslaved and controlled. No liberty, no prosperity, no culture, no civilization, no rule of law. Only chaos and lunacy and torturers and the tortured. Hell on earth. No memory of God. Satan in God's place. For an example look at Islam's ideal world through the eyes of ISIS; or any of the totalitarian hells of the 20th century.
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