I wrote the post below to show how this world, this existence, this level is a pretty low level of existence. I recently saw a local rich man's mansion/estate (he was a famous builder) and of course he's dead. Got his house just as he wanted it, by then he's in his 80's, and he dies. Even if alive in a big house unless it's full of life you're just walking through empty halls and rooms and probably settling into a suite of rooms that equal an apartment anyway, while continually worrying that the Manson gang is breaking in and poised to kill you in your sleep.
I'm convinced lately that good looking people don't eat food because I never see good looking people in grocery stores. Most likely there are very few good looking people.
Ever see a porn star without make-up? They look like demons. Not that porn stars are the measure of attractiveness, but movie stars are somewhat similar.
I'm jaded because I know too much. I see higher realms, higher categories, pure types, ideals.
Just pointing out this level of existence is rather dead. Mostly people exist on vicarious experience and so real life becomes delusion.
People who desired to and were able to really work the sexual sides of life turn out to be obese gluttons when you see them by happenstance down the road. Flesh, food...
Much of it all is like a cosmic prank. Get understanding, but now you're old. Same with wealth. Get wealth at birth and you don't appreciate it, or it keeps you shallow. Alienation pranks the here and now. Alienated from God, people, nature.
It seems like the only thing that is real is getting born (and getting others born) and then getting born again (regenerated). All else may be necessary, but is impractical for true joy and borders on an ongoing prank beyond that.
This is not a black pill singing, this is reality. Ecclesiastes? It's in the Bible...
Looking at life it's obvious the level of being of humanity is very mechanical and low. Not meant to be an insult, just an observation.
Mixed with the low level of being is the constraint of physical laws that have to be dealt with. Not starving, not freezing to death, not getting killed by animals, or other humans. Teeth cleaning and repair. Getting your car smogged.
Dealing with criminal and evil and treasonous behavior in your local or national capital. Staving off tyranny, maintaining liberty, if you've got it to begin with.
Difficult to get anything going along the lines of real development amidst all these, and a thousand more, necessary distractions. A recipe for an enforced shallow existence.
Other than the suffering (real suffering) which can be meaningful and soul-building - potentially.
It doesn't help that when one person makes some real headway in development in a real way they are treated by everybody else as if they are something akin to a child molester.
Just the way it is. At this level.
Once into that fray, there is suffering before glory.
Meanwhile a new day starts, cars are in motion, jobs are waiting, kid's activities are scheduled, food is thought about, comically limited anticlimactic sex but usually good companionship (any companionship is good at this point) is experienced. Probably all taking place by, and being moved forward by, the invisible sharp chains of mechanical fate.
So we're seeing death making efforts to carry on life. Which is what a true Christian would say, sounding toxic as hell, but there it is...
In heaven, in a glorified body, with the effects of the fall no where in sight, it is all different. (Probably have to get de-toxed, though, before entering that. Hopefully it's like getting de-loused before leaving Ellis Island. Quick, necessary.....but quick...)
I should have titled this A Snake in the Grass.
Reading this a day later... Black pill posts usually miss the mark. Even if there are individual on-the-mark points made, still, overall...some whining and dishonesty present...
That should have been The Snake in the Grass .
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