Angels and human death
God created animals, humans, and angels. One of the reasons angels exist is to help humans at death. We have to focus on this connection.
Unfortunately theologians, especially Protestant ones in reaction to Roman Catholic extravagances, become concern trolls whenever anyone starts talking or thinking about angels.
Angels exist. As a large class of creation they exist. Yeah, seminary professors, it's supernatural. As much as that ruffles your suspenders it's just biblical fact and reality.
We are not alone at death. We live in a personal universe. Not an impersonal universe as the dead soul materialists/atheists (more than a few of which are teaching in seminaries) preach.
Angels exist and have jobs given to them by God. One of which is being present at the death of a human being. Not just believers either. Nobody is judged to hell before the Second Coming. Ad hoc doctrine such as the intermediate state is no more biblical than purgatory.
Human death involves aspects of time that are beyond our experience or comprehension. God the Holy Spirit regenerates from eternity. That includes all of a human being's time. Even if just one month in the womb. Or one nano second. The Holy Spirit can access us, give us a new heart, in our childhood, while we are old and grey. Or dead and in Hades. I.e., we are alive in all our time and can be regenerated at any time in our history. We can only perceive this as revolution or wheel turning, but it is more a block of living time with more dimensions of time beyond the mere 4th dimension which is where we experience time (i.e. a timeline, birth to death). This is not universalism; and this is not second chanceism. This is part of the Creator/creation divide as it effects time and our perception of time.
Recurrence, which isn't reincarnation (it's much more boring and interesting at the same time than that) fits the biblical data (even the biblical data that we all live once and die once). For anybody curious the best description is in the last chapter of Ouspensky's book titled Fourth Way . For those not curious, it's not mandatory knowledge for faith and salvation.
I've forgotten the main point I wanted to make about angels and human death... I think I just wanted to focus on the reality of one of the jobs angels have been given regarding being there and helping us at our death. We don't go into an impersonal void. We aren't alone.
Psalm 23 now comes to mind. In verse 4 it speaks of death, the immediate afterlife, and says thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff comfort me. Easy to see that rod and staff can be metaphors for angels who carry out God's will. Are present for God.
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