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New level

Thomas Sowell wrote of the conflict of visions between leftist people and conservative (classical liberal) people. The main difference being leftists thinking people are inherently good and conservatives seeing people as fallen and sinful. So leftists strive for utopias (that routinely turn into police states and genocide), and conservatives look to create checks and balances on our fallen human nature and accept results less than perfect, but at least avoid the police states and genocide.

I see another difference that Sowell didn't mention. Conservatives like order and uniformity in the way people act and dress and groom. Leftists seem to be more comfortable with purple hair, alternative lifestyles, and so on. Conservatives like things in their place and uniform because it suggests things - the fundamentals of survival on this difficult planet - are taken care of. If you see a group of young cheerleaders in formation, in the same uniforms, the same race, it gives an impression that a lot of necessary things behind all that are getting taken care of. Parents are providing shelter, able to buy the uniforms, have the responsibility to have their children in school, the children are well-groomed and healthy, and the fact that they are all one race means social trust exists which means social cooperation exists in ways that in the the delusion of multiculturalism are absent.

Now here's a different version of this. When you become regenerated by the word of God and the Holy Spirit and become truly unusual in that you are separated out from the world with understanding of human nature and sin (biblical anthropology) to ultimate degree you tend to look at the landscape of humanity and see it as an unholy mess. Even the cheerleaders in the example above strike you as potential explosions of demonic chaos (they are prey - shallow prey - and have no defenses against the Devil and demonic predators, or even their own sexual desires which are peaked and like bags of gold walking down the street). You know too much.

Here is how I see that situation for the real Christian though. You are now at a new level. You are with Christ in the heavenlies. You are a soldier with Christ. You are in heavenly formation. You are part of a heavenly host. (You're all wearing white!) You are now in an environment that is sublime. Of course when you look at humanity now even the most responsible, conformed member of a stable, prosperous society will strike you as being like a heroin addict splayed out in their own filth on the sidewalk of the business sector of a city. Because you see inherent sin. You see inherent ignorance of the spiritual battlefield. You see inherent weakness to desires and temptation. You see vulnerability to a thousand deceptions. You see potential chaos in everyone and everything.

I suppose my overall point here is to not let this vision of humanity upset us. It is, in the sense above, inevitable. We can play our role (which is summed up in the word evangelism and all the activities that word contains), but we act from an understanding of where we sit now, with Christ in heaven, and with that understanding we don't get too upset with what is presented before us in the here and now. It is getting worse down here, no doubt, but anything will look very worse from the sublime new level of heaven.


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