Girding up...
Bring it on, eh? [this was an email, I'm talking about demonic onslaught]
I should be able to handle myself in such dark onslaught. Not like I haven't experienced it all before.
Watson says, or some other Puritan because I've been reading them all, when you die angels escort you through the demonic realm, which apparently you have to navigate through to get to heaven.
I think people should call themselves Puritans if they're school Christians [school, or, order Christians, hard to define quickly; basically Christians who desire and have rare school knowledge, like Fourth Way, if one is able to connect with it].
In Greek Cathar means Puritan. Same epithet. Same calumny. Cathars were numerous in Southern France then got exterminated by the RCC [Roman Catholic Church]. And their secular forces. Can you imagine the scenes of tragedy and horror? Women, children, men slaughtered. The children's faces? "What's happening?" Children tortured. The world doesn't know. God knows. God sees. The victors, or 'victors', then write the histories. "Oh, the Cathars were most ungodly! Did you hear? Blood drinkers and child defilers, and the lowest, most evil lying heretics!" When in fact they were similar to the Puritans who emerged later, reformers, Bible believers, and rather good at living life.
This was repeated all over Europe. One asks, with reverence, why did God allow? I say that after the fall there was always going to be suffering. There is suffering before glory. And the Bible talks of martyrs. Shows them in the book of Revelation. Satan is the Prince of this world. He controls this world. Reform must be stricken out. What side are you, me, we on? These events separate the wheat from the chaff...
I have to admit I have been struggling with thoughts of a God that allows children to experience torture. Knowing first hand of the Love that emanates from ever fiber of His Being I can't fathom that He would have a hand in those acts.
Late term abortion involves torture of children too. Torturing them when they're born and alive is just more explicit.
This is all suffering, sin and death. The result of the fall.
There are basically three faithful reactions to the so-called problem of evil:
1. Who are we, the clay, to question the Potter on anything? God kills too. He can kill your soul (something humans can't do). He's sovereign, and we are yet responsible for our acts.
2. In ways we can't see good is brought out of evil acts.
3. Knowing God is good and just means we can be content that whatever happens ultimately is good and just. There is suffering before glory. After the fall there was always going to be suffering, sin, and death.
Infants and children are not just caught up in moral evil (torture, murder, abuse, etc.) but are also caught up in natural evil (accidents, earthquakes, disease, etc.). We get born into a fallen world. Just not dying naturally in infancy use to be the first great obstacle for any human being.
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