Oh, yeah?
I saw a video of an ex-convict saying in the California prison system if you are in the general population of the prison you HAVE to join a gang or you have no protection. And he meant a racial gang, whites, blacks, Hispanics, etc.
Well, I'll bet he's leaving a choice out. I'll bet there is a Christian 'gang' in most prisons that you could join if joining a violent racial gang wasn't your thing.
And if there wasn't you could start one. Then, if violence comes at you for not joining one of the racial gangs you become a martyr, or God protects you, or some other thing happens. I.e. being a Christian 'gang' changes the prevailing forces at work.
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
I think my mind was driven to seeing this metaphor after the non-stop onslaught we are receiving of world evil.
The world is always telling us what our choices are. Marxists famously take choices off the table. In the 20th century they said you can be a Marxist or you can be a fascist, no other choice. What about being what fought Marxists and fascists? That choice was off the table. Same today.
Then they tried to make Christianity into Marxism with Liberation Theology, having some success in Latin America.
Real Christianity, though, exists outside this worldly realm.
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