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The 7 Satanic Inversions (and 3 Satanic advantages)

Seven Satanic Inversions

1. Evil is good; good is evil.

2. Lies are truth; truth is lies.

3. Criminals are saints; saints are criminals.

4. Beauty is ugliness; ugliness is beauty.

5. Men are women; women are men.

6. Division is unity; unity is division.

7. Children are adults; adults are children.

Bonus: Free speech is censorship; censorship is free speech.

Bonus 2: Predators are victims; victims are predators.

Three Satanic Advantages 

1. Every generation is born a blank slate. It's easy to indoctrinate children for evil; difficult to educate them to maintain civilization.

2. Bad ideas fly like lightning; good ideas are difficult to establish and propagate. This is because bad ideas flatter man's fallen nature and give license to indulging things like resentment.

3. It takes time and effort and know-how to build and create things. Sometimes generations. It only takes the striking of a match to destroy them. 


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