Heaven-now attitude
A complete attitude can be attained that is heaven-now. It is based on understanding of all and everything. No resentment, only gratitude. It can't be angry at anything. It understands all.
There's a sort of law that says if you understand something you can't be disagreeable towards it. You can think (or know) it's wrong as blood drinking and worthy of being condemned by words and actions, but that won't entail being disagreeable towards it.
Righteous anger is often spoken of as a substitute for everyday worldly anger. Righteous anger is a troublesome notion to me. Who is righteous? We have laws to protect us from the 'righteous' anger of our fellow man. Fellow fallen man. I'm not saying be hamstrung to condemn anything, but see in yourself what you dislike in others before you unleash any righteous anger on anyone.
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, I shall repay.
I got off track, but the only goal of resentment is, ultimately, to burn down the world, which is hell itself.
Love your enemy is not a worldly moral stance. It is a self-interested stance of a follower of Christ.
We get something from it. We don't get caught in the webbing of the world.