The Idiot vs. Twitter
[an email]
I'm still reading the Idiot, if anyone is wondering. Yes, I'm only on page 152 currently, but there is still a continuity. I can tell I will finish.
We are in the era of Twitter. So this is what my attention span is up against. Imagine going from Twitter to a 600 page Russian novel.
But I feel I'm in good company with the Dostoevsky novel. It's an ongoing movie in words that's worth watching.
I'm also on chapter 20 of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, which is a good bit of way to be in that book if you think about it.
Two things bothering me: 1. All the suicides happening. Not just the opioid crisis, but military veterans and just people with seemingly normal lives in terms of family and career. Too many. 2. The jump in homelessness. All the homeless camps in first world countries. These are signs of breakdown. Not economic breakdown because the economy over here is apparently very good, but ... moral (or morale?) breakdown? Maybe a breakdown in community cohesion. No social trust therefore no social interaction and help in all the ways that happens. Yes I'm talking about the blight of multiculturalism. It destroys social trust and cohesion. - C.